#40 * CHB (part 1)

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(Author's note: so yeah hi my dear readers. Popping in here for a second. This one has been playing in my head since I started this thing. It's kind of a pjo headcanon I guess? So if you haven't read it, it might be a bit harder to understand. Also what are you doing here if you haven't read pjo yet? Put down this book and go read those first, they're worth it. Trust me. Or don't really it's up to you. Also I might end up doing a bit more in the pjo universe from here on because it's just a great place to hang around. Anyway, enjoy! - Athena)

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Athena asked, making her way through the woods.

"Of course my love. Imagine how happy they'd be to see you." Nike replied, floating above her head on her majestic wings.

"I doubt they will be. I hardly have a connection to any of them. The only one I know a decent amount of is Annabeth and that's only because she's Olympus' official architect." The wisdom goddess said.

The pair was making their way toward camp half-blood. A demigod training camp. Nike had come up with the brilliant idea to take Athena to camp and show her around since she had never been there before.

"Oh I know. That's why I thought you should do this. Get to know your kids. Show them you care you know?" The victory goddess said with a smile.

The daughter of Zeus had tried and tried to get the idea of visiting the camp out of the angel's head. But here's the thing, when Nike wants something to happen it will happen. No matter what.

"Ever thought that maybe there is a reason I don't visit camp or connect with my children?" Athena asked.

"I wondered yes, but I never managed to find the answer. Why is that anyway?" Nike questioned in return.

For a moment the wisdom goddess focused solely on the path that was in front of her. Well path was a generous word. More of a winding way that wasn't overgrown as much as... Well... Everywhere else.

They could've gone the easy route and flashed themselves there. It would've spared Athena this trouble. But she hoped that maybe in a last desperate attempt she would be able to pursuade the angel into going back.

So far it hadn't helped a thing. In fact it only had made things worse.

"Imagine getting close to them. The way Apollo is with Austin, Kayla and Will. Occasionally visiting them and see them grow up a bit." The wisdom goddess started.

"Wouldn't it be great?" Nike mused.

The victory goddess could already see herself organizing all sorts of contests for her twins Laurel and Holly. Their competitive nature was sure to keep any game interesting. What she wouldn't give to spend a week with them.

"Right, but what happens when they die? You've gotten close to them and for what? Only to outlive them and see them wither away in front of your eyes, while you don't even change a bit?" Athena's voice nearly cracked saying the sentences.

She had been there before multiple times and she had no desire to repeat the process. Don't get her wrong she loved her children and she was proud of their achievements. She just didn't want to see them die. She didn't want to be anywhere near them when they breathed their last breath. She didn't want to outlive them, even though that was inevitable.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Nike asked.

"Those kids dream of the day they finally meet their godly parent. Not once taking the time to meet them seems... Cruel." She continued.

"Don't you think it's more cruel to only appear every so often. If they see you from time to time they'll only be reminded of what they can't have." Athena retorted.

Athena x NikeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin