#86 * Rightful heir

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Athena's POV:

Nike urged the horses forward as my spear cut through my father's abdomen.

"Athena!" I heard the anger in his voice as he yelled my name.

I didn't flinch.

"Now." I said to my wife.

She gave a nod as her eyes focussed ahead of her. I grabbed onto the edge of the chariot. Nike let her horses go straight up.
The wind cut into my face, but I payed it no mind. This had to be timed perfectly.

"You got the bolt?" Nike asked, her voice raised to come out above the wind.

"Right here."

I showed her the masterbold that I had been holding in my hand behind my shield. It crackled with electricity.

"Ready?" Nike asked, eyes still straight ahead.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

Now or never. The horses took a dive straight to my father's position. Right before we would smash into the ground I threw the bolt at my father.

Both Nike and I let go of the chariot and let ourselves free fall as the chariot smashed into the ground before us. I grabbed her hand and looked at her. Our eyes locked, a small smile on her face. It had been worth it.

Nike's POV:

I paced through the hallway. I was red-hot with anger. I could break Zeus' neck.

'I am the victor! Not you, me! You'd do well to remember I am king! Olympus is not waiting for a queen! She needs a man!' His voice yelled inside my head.

"You'd do well to remember I am the victory goddess." I angrily muttered.

I finally reached the door and pushed it open, channeling my anger into my motion. I threw it closed behind me. I could see my wife look up with a shock. There was worry in her eyes as she looked me up and down.

"What's going on my love?" Athena asked putting down the paper she was holding.

"We need to talk about your father and his position as king." I started.

"What about him?"

I told her about his fallout simply because I did my job and denied him a victory.

"He can't win simply because he is king. He can't expect to gain my respect if all he does these days is hide behind you and Ares while you fight his battles."

My wife's eyes seemed to become a darker shade of gray as they clouded with thought.

"Surely it's not all bad." She tried.

I scoffed.

"Bullshit and you know it. He's become spoiled and he abuses his position."

Athena kept quiet.

"Or did you forget why you tied him up in the first place all those millennia ago."

My wife looked up at me.

"Don't you dare."

"What? Mention that you committed treason against the throne of Olympus and got away without any sort of punishment?"

"It's not something I'm proud of." Athena stated, her eyes falling back onto the paper she had placed down earlier.

"You should be. You could've ruled Olympus if Thetis hadn't been there. You won Athena!" I coaxed her.


"You are the heir to the throne you know."

I knew that would make the gears in her head start turning.

"If Zeus is unable to rule, you take his position."

"Wife, you are speaking of treason against your king. I could report you for this."

Athena  said, her gray eyes glinting with a golden light.

"But you won't." I replied with confidence.

"Because you agree with me. You did it once and I think you're not afraid to do it again."

A moment of silence fell between us as I knew she was thinking about my words.

"You sure have nerve my love." She said after a while.

"Let's say I agree and Zeus needs to go. What's your plan? How will you secure our victory?"

I smirked, knowing I had her on board. I started pacing around the room, thinking out loud.

"First we get rid of Thetis. She's not keeping you from your rightful place a second time."

A small smile formed on Athena's lips as she got up and started walking over to the bookshelf next to her desk. Her fingers hovered over the books looking for the right one.

"This will do." My wife muttered.

She took it back to her desk and started flipping through the pages. I saw sketches and drawings of all kinds of sea creatures, both known and unknown to mankind.

"Thetis is a minor sea goddess, nothing we can't handle." Athena said, halting on a page as her eyes scanned the text.

"So you have a plan?" I asked, curious for the undoubtedly brilliant plan she would present.

My wife looked up at me and smirked.
"My love, I always have a plan."

Athena x NikeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα