#28 * Rain

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It was pouring rain outside. Nike was sitting by a comfortable heart fire. Next to her Hestia, keeping her company.

"Athena is staying away quite long don't you think?" Nike asked.

"My brother has a one way mind. His way is the only way. He's hard to convince. It'll take time and judging by the rain he isn't exactly happy." Hestia responded.

"Typical boss man." The angel chuckled.

"Yes. But if anyone can do it it is Athena." The goddess of the heart smiled, eyes trained on the flames.

"Agreed." The victory goddess added.

"If he would actually let her finish and listen to her she would agree with you too." A voice said from the doorway.

Both goddesses sitting at the fireplace turned around to see a soaked Athena standing in the doorway. Her clothes were dripping and she was wringing out her hair and her dress.

"I take it it didn't go well?" Nike asked.

"Oh really? What gave it away? The thunderstorm outside? I thought that was his happy mood." The wisdom goddess said, voice laced with sarcasm.

"What did he say?" Hestia wanted to know.

"He said it wasn't worth his time. When I said he should hear me out on the subject he got annoyed and that escalated into anger faster than any of you can say 'opa'. And now we have a thunderstorm. Isn't that a surprise?" Athena replied.

"I see..." Hestia muttered in thought.

"I'll be upstairs to take care of this mess." The daughter of Zeus gestured at herself.

"I'll come with you." Nike said.

She seemed to realise Hestia would be alone if she left with Athena.

"That is if you don't mind of course." She added with a sheepish smile.

"Oh Gaia no, of course not. Go ahead." Hestia chuckled.

"I have my fire. I'll be perfectly fine." She added with a wink.

The victory goddess gave the elder goddess a nod and walked upstairs with her girlfriend.

"You want to talk about it?" Nike asked when they reached their room.

"No." Was the short and quiet brutal response.

"Okayyy..." The angel said.

Silence draped over them. It wasn't exactly awkward, but it definitly wasn't comfortable either. Athena took a towel and layed it out on their bed. She was just about to take off her dress when Nike stopped her.

"As much as I would love to see you undressed... Wait." The angel said.

"What? Why?" Athena asked with a raised brow.

"Because..." The victory goddess started.

She snapped her fingers making some music play.

"I'm about to make you feel better." She finished her sentence.

"How are you planning on doing that?" The wisdom goddess questioned, still skeptical.

She was even more confused when Nike opened the window and smirked at her.

"Angel, I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pouring rain. Now is really not the time to step outside." Athena remarked.

"I'd say it's quite perfect." The victory goddess smiled.

"Besides you're soaked already."

Nike walked up to her girlfriend taking her hand in hers. Gently she pulled her along. At first Athena resisted slightly, but she must've realised nothing would change the angel's mind as usual so she obeyed and followed.

The victory goddess lead them outside. There they stood face to face, Nike looking up at the taller Athena. All around them the rain fell and soon enough the angel too was soaking wet.

Slowly both of them started swaying to the rhythm of the song that was playing in the background. The rain trickled down their skin and made all of it seem so surreal. It was as if in that moment time stopped and there was only the two of them softly swaying.

Athena pulled Nike closer by the waist so their bodies touched. It felt as if sparks flew of the angel's body everywhere a piece of the wisdom goddess touched her.

"If this is the result I get every time I piss of my dad then I should do it more often." The daughter of Zeus murmered in the victory goddess' ear.

"You definitly should." Nike agreed.

She pulled Athena down a little so their foreheads touched.

"Why do you have to be so damn tall?" The angel chuckled.

"Olympians have to impress. It's easier when we rise above everybody else." Her girlfriend winked.

"So cocky all the time." The victory goddess rolled her eyes with a smile.

"You love it." The daughter of Zeus smirked.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Shut up." The angel said.

"Make me." Was the reply.

You didn't have to tell Nike twice. She locked her lips with Athena as they swayed across the balcony.

"You know... You always know how to make me feel better. How?" Athena asked when they had pulled away.

"You're not as complex as you like to make everyone think darling. For those that take the time to get behind all the barriers it's easy to tell what you need." Nike smiled.

"What did I need then?" The wisdom goddess asked.

"Anything but more words. You needed someone to hold you and just offer silent support. Why? Because they don't know what really happened in there. That's why you don't want them to say 'I understand' but rather 'come sit with me' and let that be the end of the spoken support."

Athena was baffeled for a moment. The angel had just flawlessly explained her feelings. Better than even she herself could've. Which did really say something because she was the one feeling them, not Nike.

"I take it I'm correct." The victory goddess chuckled.

The wisdom goddess nodded, not really knowing what to say. Then a proud smirk appeared on her face and she locked her lips with the angel's once again.

It didn't take long for their kisses to become sloppy and hungry. Soon enough Athena had Nike pinned against the wall as she kissed her neck.

"Should we take this inside?" The angel asked.

"And soak the bedsheets I still have to sleep on tonight? No thanks." The daughter of Zeus replied.

"So you want to do this out here? In the pouring rain?" Nike questioned.

"What's the difference with a shower?" The wisdom goddess smirked.

The victory goddess chuckled and shook her head.

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