#29 * The Guitarist

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(Author's note: I have another AU for you guys. Enjoy :) - Athena_9909)

Athena was bored, staring at her books. Usually she didn't mind studying, but today nothing seemed to go her way.

She had already dropped a mug today and bumped her head into more things than she was willing to admit.

She looked outside. The sun was out and people walked through the ever busy streets. An idea popped into her head.

Athena got up and walked to the other side of the room. She picked up her guitar case and checked if the guitar was still in there. When she noticed it was she took it with her as she left her appartment.

She was very well aware she should be studying. She had an exam tomorrow, but it was no use if she kept staring at her books. Maybe if she could clear her head for a moment she would be able to concentrate later.

Athena sauntered towards the park. Once there she picked a bench underneath a willow near the river. It was her favorite place. Her dad always took her there when she was young. But ever since he got a new girlfriend she barely saw him anymore.

Part of her didn't mind. She liked being on her own and she'd prefer to stay as far away from that wench as possible. The other part missed the days when it was simpler and it was just the two of them.

The young woman took the guitar from it's case and placed it in her lap. After checking if the sounds coming from the instument were still as magical as they should be she started strumming whatever note came into her mind.

A little further away a young woman named Nike was out for her morning run when she heard the strumming of a guitar. She didn't know why but for some reason it was hynotising and calming.

She had had a busy couple of hours, this was the first break she had been able to take since 7AM this morning. It was around 11 now. The melodies led her towards a little bridge. From on the bridge she could see the guitarist strumming away.

Immediatly Nike was struck by the young lady sitting on the bench. She had dark brown hair that was put in a ponytail and sharp face features. She was wearing black jeans and a simple red shirt, topping it off with some white sneakers. For a moment the young woman stopped playing and pushed her glasses back up her nose.

Athena got the weird sensation someone was looking at her. She looked up and spotted a young woman, maybe a little older than she was, standing on the bridge that crossed the river. To make sure it was her she was looking at, Athena looked around. There we're people passing by yes, but whoever that was was clearly looking at her.

She decided to ignore the lady and go back to playing her guitar. She played a tune and focused her vision on her fingers. Not once did she have to think where to place them next. Playing was pretty much second nature to her. And even if she made a mistake she'd start with a complety new melody. It didn't matter, there were no notes to read. It was just her and her guitar. At least that's what she thought.

Nike was simply in a trance. There was no other way to put it. Hypnotised by the girl and her guitar. Without her even wanting to, her feet brought her towards the bench underneath the willow. Right up to the point where she stood in front of the girl.

Athena noticed the sun getting blocked. She looked up and almost physically jumped away. She was surprised to say the least to see the young woman standing in front of her.

"Hi." Athena smiled a little awkward.

"Hi." She replied equally awkward.

"May I?" She added, gesturing towards the bench.

Athena nodded. She wasn't sure what to do here. Continue playing or just leave? She remembered her books and decided she wasn't ready to return to them just yet.

Again her focus went on her fingers and she started playing again. She tuned out the stare of the woman beside her and igrored the sound of honking cars. Just her and her guitar.

After about 10min she stopped for a moment. The woman was still there.

"You're really good." She spoke up.

"Thanks." Athena replied with a sheepish smile.

"What's your name? That way I can tell people I met you in a park if you ever get famous." She chuckled.

Was she serious? Did she even know anything about guitars? Athena wasn't bad of course she'll admit. But how would a complete stranger she never met know that she was a good player? Whoever this woman was didn't look like she played the guitar at all. She looked like one of those lawyer types who fill every minute with business.

"It's Athena. Athena Soriano." She ended up saying with a smile.

She hoped that if she said it the woman would tell her her own name.

"What a coincidence. We're both named after goddesses." The young woman said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Athena raised a brow.

"My name is Nike. Yes, like the brand, but I prefer the goddess." Nike winked.

It seemed like it was a line she said often. It almost sounded rehearsed.

"They ask you that a lot don't they?" Athena responded.

Nike nodded.

"Too often really."

"How long have you been playing?" She asked changing the subject while gesturing at the black guitar in Athena's lap.

"Oh... Uh since I was 12-ish." Athena said.

"You can tell. The way it fits on your hands and the way your fingers just glide over the strings. The way you flawlessly switch between melodies. I don't know but something about it is really special."

Athena was baffled. What the hell. This complete stranger basically stalked her watching her from the bridge, sat next to her listening to her strumming for like 10min and now this? What was wrong with this day?!

And the craziest part? She didn't even mind! She liked the energy this woman gave off. Strong, independent, confident and hard working. She seemed to be everything she wasn't. Everything she aspired to be.

She took a moment to truly look at Nike. She had dirty blonde hair that was braided and her eyes had an amber color. She was wearing workout clothes and some running shoes.

Something about her immediately sparked Athena's interest. She didn't know what it was, but she wanted to sit here for the rest of the day, strumming with Nike watching along over her shoulder.

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