#95 * Drunken night

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Don't get too hung up on the technicalities of mythology with this one. x

- Athena


Getting a drunk Nike home after an Olympian celebration was harder than Athena had initially expected. The walk home had been eventful to say the least.

"Oh my gods! Athena, look!"

A hard tug on her right arm steered the goddess of wisdom right off the main path and into the grass next to it.

"It's a cat!" Nike beamed.

Indeed, a ginger cat sat right in front of them, next to the biggest oak tree in the park. Their entire way home had been filled with distractions like these. Only five minutes ago the victory goddess had seen a pretty flower and proceeded to inspect every inch of it. All the while she was simultaneously explaining everything she had learned about plants from Demeter not so long ago.

"Can I pet it?"

Athena rolled her eyes as her wife tried to get the small creature to come closer.

"We should go home love, it's late." She tried to reason with her.

"But cat." The victory goddess pouted.

"It is well past 5 A.M."

Athena tried to hide her annoyance, suppressing the urge to shout or get angry. She didn't want to upset Nike, but she really wasn't in the mood to stay outside any longer than she had to. She saw her breath fog in front of her as her wife gestured at the cat again.

"But cat!"

The gray eyed goddess blinked at her wife.

"Yeah, that argument does not hold the power that you think it does."

Her voice was just as devoid of emotion as her face.

"I do not like you." Nike stated.

A frown creased her forehead as she crossed her arms. If Athena had not been so exhausted she would have actually found it adorable.

"I bet." She muttered.

"Now come, it's cold out. I want the warmth of my bed."

A shiver ran over Athena's spine as she said it. Meanwhile, Nike glared at her. Her wife could be freezing for all that she cared, she just wanted to pet the cat. They could go home and warm up after. The cat looked up at her, it's green eyes glimmering in the soft light of a nearby streetlight. The soft fur of the small animal seemed so inviting. Her hands could almost feel it. Just as she reached out to pet it Athena dragged her along.

"Athena, no! I want to pet the cat!" Nike protested loudly.

"No." Was the cold response.

With great reluctance, -of which she made Athena very aware-, Nike allowed her wife to drag her back onto the path and in the direction of home. The whole way she stomped her feet and glared at her. Athena sighed, mentally making a note to prevent Nike from drinking for a while.

Olympian parties were never dull. Ask anyone who has ever been. This one was no different. Music drifted through the room as the crowd danced, drank and cheered. The wine was flowing in and out of cups as if it would be the one that would ever be tasted. Athena had to lean in next to Artemis' ear to even get a word in. Though neither she or her younger sister normally were the kind of people to enjoy these kind of parties, tonight they had made an exception. Mainly because Athena had promised Nike she would attend and she had dragged Artemis along in order to not end up alone. Nike was the goddess of victory, she was quite popular among the crowd. She knew a lot of people and a lot people knew her. Left and right people wanted to have a chat with her, treat her to a drink or steal her away to brag that their friend was the goddess of victory. The evening had started nice enough. Nike, Artemis, Athena and Dike had been standing in their little circle, all catching up with each other.

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