#31 * Gatedrop

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(Author's note: so urm yeah hi. Dam, I suck at openings... Anyway this is an AU right? Well yes you can't tell yet, but it is. But you might be a little surprised by the subject bcs yeah random I know. But I'll have you know I'm a motocross rider myself so that's kinda where it came from. Idk I just came up with this and I thought it kind of suited them. So yeah here we go. Enjoy! - Athena_9909)

Five seconds let until the gate dropped. Next to Athena dirtbikes started to roar. The same went for her own.

4 seconds.

Adrenaline started pumping through her veins.

3 seconds.

Come back in one piece for mom and dad.

2 seconds.

Focus on your own riding and the track ahead.

1 second.

Feelings at the gate.

With a loud roar 25 riders released from their gates like arrows from bows. For a moment Athena thought she'd snatch the holeshot, but just before she had it someone slipped in between.

The name on the rider's back read:

'Nike Svane'

This wasn't the first time Nike managed to steal her holeshots. No way she was going to let her have the moto too.

The two have been rivals ever since they ended up together in the women's class. They were both excellent riders and challenged the other to ride faster and more precise. One mistake and the other would take over.

Which is just what happened to Nike after one round. She was leading the pack. She had set a strong pace and had a lead of a good three seconds. That is until she took the next turn.

She felt her frontwheel slip from underneath her and soon enough all she saw was dirt. Nike however was fine. She'd just tipped over. No injuries, but propably a bruise from where her handlebars had hit her leg. In a matter of moments she picked herself and her bike back up.

Her rival, Athena Soteira, however had already passed her. Same for three other girls. She had some lost time to make up for here.

It wasn't easy passing the girls to reach Athena. The first on she got a faster inside as the other woman went wide. The second one she managed to pass on the waves section. And the third? Well Nike jumped double double, instead of triple and single out. Combined with a scrub this made her faster.

Which meant she was right behind Athena once again. Sadly Nike knew she would make it hard on her.

"You should try the outside lines from time to time. You can keep your momentum and really ride on the edge of the berm." Athena said.

"And you should try insides from time to time. They have less distance to travel and if you have a good exit, you really fly towards the next obstacle." Nike countered.

They were both leaning on a fence looking at the track in front of them.

"And yet I still beat you with my outside corners." Athena smirked.

"Just as I beat you with my inside corners." Nike chuckled.

The thing is both ways are good, you just have to know when to use them. Both were aware of that, they just liked the playful bickering.

"I'm so snatching you're holeshot next weekend." Nike said, leaning her head on Athena's shoulder.

"If you do, I'll take your moto." Athena promised, kissing the top of her head.

Athena was a woman of her word. If she made a promise she kept it. That's how she knew that no matter what, she was winning this moto.

She made the dirt fly with every corner she took. She felt confident and fast. She crossed the last jump to start her next lap. She threw her dirtbike sideways in the air and time seemed to slow down.

Her head turned to the side where she got a glimpse of her and Nike's parents who seemed to be screaming the lungs out of their body. When she turned her head a little further she saw Nike taking of on the same jump, also throwing the bike sideways underneath her.

Then her head snapped back to the front, the bike twisted back underneath her and she landed without a single problem, going around for the last lap.

Nike had seen Athena look over her shoulder. As much as she loved her, she couldn't stand it when she was about to win. With one lap to go, she'd have to give it everything she got.

'Turn coming up. Brake. Shift down. Take the turn. Accelerate. Shift up. Jump. Turn coming up again. Brake. Shift down. Corner. Exit. Accelerate. Shift up.'

Nike didn't even have to think about the motions. It just happened.

'Long table. Scrub.'

It felt as if the dirtbike was an extension of herself. Almost as if she could feel every bolt and piece inside of the bike. If only one thing failed with the bike, she'd know.

But lucky for her it didn't. The wave section was coming up again, which was great because she was faster there.

Nike took on the waves no problem, corned and was met with a rough piece of the track. Pits everywhere. To make it easier for herself she pulled the bike on it's back wheel. She barely felt anything of it.

Then the triple came up again. Sadly Athena had found the same method she had a couple of laps earlier.

Athena doubled both jumps and made her way past the pitlanes. A long straight where she could really put Nike to the test.

The latter would take the challenge and get pretty much every drop of power she could out of the engine.

But it wasn't enough. Yes she was now reaching Athena's rear tire, but she was out of time to pass her. Athena took the corner and jumped across the finishline with Nike less than a second behind her.

"What happens if I win?" Nike asked.

"Nothing. Because you won't." Athena teased.

"You don't know that." Her girlfriend rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Yes I do." She replied.


"I'm better at sandtracks than you are."

"Not true. I've beaten you at sandtracks before." Nike scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Because I was recovering from an injury and because I had mechanical issues. Never while I'm in good shape." Athena responded.

Nike huffed.

"You're such a show off." She muttered.

"Says the one who purposely scrubs every finishline jump for the sake of cool pictures." Her girlfriend smirked.

"I hate you." Nike said.

"Sure love. I hate you too." Athena said, adding a kiss after.

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