#62 * The Virus

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Coughing was heard from the other room. Again... Nike shook her head and sighed. Both Athena and Alexia had picked up a virus last time they went out to the mortal world and they'd been sick for the past week.

She poured some steaming hot soup into two bowls and placed them on a platter. After adding some spoons and two glasses of water, she walked into the living room and placed the platter on the coffee table right in front of her girls.

Athena was laying on her back and Alexia was resting on her mother's stomach. To be brutally honest they both looked miserable.

Alexia is usually very energetic, jumping and dancing all over the place. Now all she did was sleep and cough. Her small figure was even shaking with a fever.

Athena was always way more easy going. But at this point she didn't even have the energy to keep reading for more than two chapters. You heard that right, the woman who can devour entire books in one day can't even keep her focus for an hour.

For now they were asleep, but Nike wanted to wake them and try to get them to eat something. Besides if they slept much longer, they wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Softly she swiped some of Athena's hair from her face and kissed her forehead. Sensetive as the wisdom goddess is to touch, she woke up and looked the angel dead in the eye.

Athena's grey eyes were shallow and it's fierce light was dim. Still she maneged to smile at Nike and the light brightened for a moment.

"Hi." The victory goddess smiled back.

"Hi." Athena responded in a hoarse voice.

"How are you feeling?" The angel asked.



Nike was concerned. Her wife had their daughter lay on top of her and over the two of them the angel had draped two blankets.

Athena just nodded.

"Alexia is too." She said, feeling a shiver go through the little girl's body.

The victory goddess placed a hand on her daughter's head. It was quite warm, but Athena was right, the girl was shivering.

Nike's brows knitted together in concern. This can't be good.

"When did we go down to the mortal world last?" She asked her wife to be sure.

Time was hard for immortals. Always has been, a year is the blink of an eye for them. However since having a mortal daughter, both Nike and Athena had to slow down their life style and really live in the moment, which wasn't always easy.

"Urm... A week ago?" Athena hesitated.

"When did your fevers start?" Nike questioned further.

"Alexia's two days ago, mine yesterday."

"Two days... She needs to see a docter Athena. This can't keep going on. And assuming you picked up the same virus, I think it's best you went too." The angel, concluded.

"Agreed, but-"

Before she could finish her sentence the wisdom goddess started coughing, waking Alexia in the process.

When she finally managed to find her breath Athena sighed.

"-But how come you didn't get sick?" She asked her wife.

"I don't know darling, but it doesn't matter now. We'll figure that out later. For now try to sit up while I go see if I can get a hold of Asclepius."

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