Just Another Thought

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So yeah hi it's me again. So I was thinking again right. About this book and what to write blah blah blah. But also... The community were starting to get here. Now I don't know if this is a thing other writers do but I'd love to kind of get in contact with you guys and you know have a chat. Book related or not doesn't matter. But I kind of want to vibe with the people who enjoy my work you know and I'd love to hear some ideas and opinions from you guys.

So here goes. Who of you actually use and/or have discord? Cause I was thinking if you guys are interested in this you could let me know and I could create a little server/community for the people who enjoy being here and meeting new people. That way I can get to know you and you guys can get to know me :))

But only if you guys want to ofc.

So let me know by either commenting or voting on this chapter and if a couple of people show their interest I'll make a server.

Okay that was it. Enjoy your day/night kiddos :))

Athena x NikeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora