#18 * Falling Slowly

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Nike and Athena were strolling through Olympus. Their hands were intertwined. People smiled when they passed by and they smiled right back. In this moment there was nothing better to them than just walking together and enjoying the sunshine.

After a while they reached the edge of Olympus itself. One of their favorite places. As usual both goddesses sat down and had their legs dangling of the edge.

Nike was in a chipper and playful mood. The sun, the people and most of all Athena had that effect on her.

She stood up on the edge, her back facing the world below her.

"What are you doing?" The wisdom goddess asked with a hint of a chuckle.

"Making you jealous." The angel winked.

"How so?"


Nike spread her arms and let herself fall backwards slowly until she was out balanced and she fell off the edge. She let herself plunge into the deep blue sky.

Athena wasn't worried at all when she saw her lover fall into the clouds and out of her sight. She'd be back soon enough.

Just as she predicted the victory goddess flew straight up about a minute later. Soaring on those beautiful golden wings of hers. The daughter of Zeus couldn't hold back a smile. Nike always seemed so at home when she played around in the sky.

To Nike herself there was no better feeling of freedom than this. There was no place like the sky. She loved feeling the wind blow through her hair and the feathers of her wings.

She loved the adrenaline rush that came with plunging into the deep and going up as fast as she could afterwards.

After a while, when she was all blown out the angel landed next to her lover again.

"You're right. You did make me jealous." Athena smiled up at her.

"Duhhh." Nike dragged the word and gave her a kiss.

The wisdom goddess shook her head. Sometimes the angelic goddess could be such an idiot.

"So anything interesting going on down there?" The victory goddess asked sitting next to her girlfriend again.

She wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Not really."

"One of those days huh?"

Athena chuckled and nodded.

"It still amazes me how they don't see the monsters they're surrounded by." She said taking the hand Nike had wrapped around her.

"It sure is one curious thing."

"One day I'll figure out how to make my own version of the mist." Athena muzed.

"Without magic?" The angel asked.

"Yes, obviously." The wisdom goddess replied.

"Not everything can be recreated my love." Nike said.

"Maybe, but this can. Apollo and I have been working on a formula. We've been getting closer and closer. There is a solution, we just have to find it."

"If you say so." The victory goddess chuckled.

Suddenly Athena's attention was stolen away by something going on in the mortal world.

"What's wrong?" Nike asked.

"Mhm?" Her girlfriend hummed.

The steel grey eyes seemed glued to the world below. Nike tried to see what she was seeing, but she had no clue what had sparked Athena's interest like that.

"What is it?" The angel repeated herself.

"That guy, did you see him?" The wisdom goddess asked.

"What guy?"

Nike could feel some jealousy spark inside. A mortal who sparks her attention like that, she hated it. Not to mention it's a mortal man.

"Over there, with the sandy blonde hair."

Oh she saw him now. She supposed he was kind of cute, in a nerdy and geeky way. Someone you would immediately match with Athena on looks alone.

"What about him?" The victory goddess grumbled.

"He seems like an interesting guy. Nice, cute, smart." Athena replied, not taking her eyes of him.

"So basically your dream demi-god daddy?"

"Don't say it like that."

The wisdom goddess heard the unfiltered jealousy in the angel's voice. For the first time in a few minutes the goddess peeled her eyes from the earth and looked at her girlfriend, who was scowling at the world below.

"It sounds like I'm about to cheat on you." Athena said.

"Well aren't you? He's a hot college student. He goes to Harvard, your favored college. He's a goody two shoes with excellent grades. What else do you need?" Nike exclaimed.

The daughter of Zeus raised a brow at the goddess next to her. As if to say 'are you serious right now'.

"What?" The victory goddess asked.

"What I need is you. My angel, the one who is going to be next to me for eternity. Whoever he may be, you're the one I love. Besides, he's a mortal man. I'm a lesbian goddess. It's definitly not his looks I'm after." Athena winked.

Nike shook her head.

"But you're still going to bless him with a demi-god aren't you?" She asked.

"Well, we do still need heroes don't we?" The wisdom goddess smirked.

Nike retrieved her arm and pushed her girlfriend of the edge without warning. With a scream the wisdom goddess fell into the deep. She recovered quickly however and took a skydiving position.

The angel let her fall for a bit, before jumping into the deep herself. She dived to catch up with the wisdom goddess a bit in front of her.

Soon enough she caught up with her and took a hold of her hands.

"You were saying?" The angel smirked.

Athena rolled her eyes. As usual she didn't mind falling. Whether it be for the angel or because of her. Both litterally and figuratively.

(Author's note: hi guys, quickly dropping in to tell you the next upload might be a bit slower. I'll be away for about four days so I won't really have time to write. To kind of make up for that lost chapter I'll upload two the next time. Promise. Enjoy! - Athena_9909)

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