#73 * Soldier On

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Alexia's pov:

I strapped my chest plate to my body. It fitted like a mold.

'You realize you'll have to work twice as hard as any Athenian soldier for the same respect right?' I could hear my younger brother Daemon ask, as if he was standing next to me.

He didn't understand why this was so important to me. One day, he'd get it.

'We cannot make exceptions. Especially not for you.' My mother's stern, but loving voice, mentally reminded me.

'It won't be easy, but as my daughter I have no doubt you'll succeed.' Mom had said right before I left.

Now eight weeks later I was ready.

"Cadets!" I heard captain Rexhenor yell through the hallway.

'Not after today.' I thought to myself, grinning.

As I left I grabbed my helmet, spear and shield. In the hallway all the cadets were stumbling around, trying to form the neat line my mother undoubtedly expected. I joined the ranks, pulling my helmet over my head and properly strapping my shield to my arm.

Soon enough we were all in line marching outside. The sun was shining, reflecting off of my metal armour. It made me even more proud to wear it.

"Line up for the generals!" Rexhenor ordered, as we reached a huge grass field.

In front of us was a small podium. I assumed 'the generals'. Would be standing there to give a whole speech and everything.

The generals.

Or in other words:

My moms.

I chuckled lightly at the thought. I don't think many people have to call their parents general.

"How long will you be gone?" Daemon asked, sitting on the edge of Olympus with me, our legs dangling over the edge.

"Eight weeks." I replied.

"Do you have time before mother puts you out there with the other soldiers?" He wondered.

"I don't know." I answered honeslty.

"I see." I heard a slight disappointment in my younger brother's voice.

"I'm sure she'll let me see you in between. She said no exceptions for me, but she never said anything about you. We both know you're her favorite." I wink at Daemon, giving him a playful push.

"And your mom's favorite. She will end up letting you pass no matter how hard you mess up." He grinned.

We both chuckled. When our laughter had faded we slid into a comfortable silence, but I could feel it was heavy.

"Why are you doing this?" Daemon asked after a while.

"You have nothing to prove. Not to mother, not to mom... Not to me. We love you Alexia, just the way you are."

I shuffled closer towards my brother and placed an arm around his shoulder.

"I know, but as much as I love you guys, I'm not doing this for any of you. I'm doing this for me. Because it makes me feel strong and powerful in my own way." I replied.

'And because it will make me immortal within moderation.' I wanted to add, but decided against it.

I had been offered immorality by my moms. I had declined because I was afraid of it. They told me that I could let them know if I changed my mind. But in all honesty, I was afraid of living forever. I was afraid of not being able to die.

Being an Athenian soldier was perfect, immortal, unless you are slayed in battle. I could still die, but I also had all the perks of actual immortality.

"But what if you get hurt?" Daemon asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Then it just happens. Then there will be nothing we can do about it. Our moms get hurt too you know. Or you. You might not be able to die, but you're not invincible. Some things will take you down. That's just the way life is." I said.

"That's just it. What if you die?" He almost exclaimed.

"What if I lose you?"

"As long as I'm not immortal you would've lost me either way in what seems like the blink of an eye for you. At least now I get to stay around." I tried to cheer him up.

"Then why didn't you take our moms' offer?"

"Because I was never meant to be a goddess little man. I was always meant to be a human, I just got extra lucky in the mom and brother department." I smiled.

"Look, being immortal is great and all, but my brain isn't hard wired for it. It will be weird to me. Even as a soldier. I might not want to be a goddess, but I do know I want to be a soldier. I want to fight for you and our moms. My brothers in my ranks and the people that can't fight for themselves."

Daemon rested his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you." He muttered.

"I love you too little man." I responded.

I had that moment engraved in my mind. My fingers twisted in Daemon's chocolate curls and his thin, but surprisingly strong arms wrapped around my waist thightly.

That goofy 16-year-old would be here too today. I shook my head. Usually him and I were always messing around. Either together or against each other, but that day, before I left we put it all aside.

All of us cadets were lined up in our squadrons in front of the podium. Not long after both my moms stepped onto the podium.

My mother, Athena, was wearing a dark blue suit with medals pinned on her chest. Her dark brown hair pulled back in the neatest bun I had ever seen.

My mom, Nike, didn't look much different. Just like her wife she wore a dark blue suit, with several medals of her own on her chest. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a bun as well.

"Welcome cadets. First of all I believe a congratulations is in order. If you are standing here, that means you have completed your training and have brought it to a successful end." Mom started out.

"Today is the day you go from cadet to private. Today is the day your career as an Athenian soldier starts. Today is the day you pledge yourselfs to me and have trust and faith in my judgment. Not only as your goddess, but also as your general." Mother added.

I let my eyes search around for Daemon. Surely my mothers brought forth a wonderful speech. They're good with words like that, yet I could only seem to focus on finding my littke brother. He had to be near the podium. I can't imagine him being far away from our moms.

And sure enough. Right there in the corner at the bottom of the steps leading up to the stage stood that tall, thin, goofy, brother of mine.

Our eyes met and Daemon got a wicked grin across his face. He stuck out his tongue and it took everything I had to not do the same. Knowing my mother she'd see and my ass would get whooped.

"With that we welcome all of you to the 501st!" Mom finished the speech.

At the nod of Rexhenor we were relieved from our stances. While all around me my brothers and sisters in arms congratulated each other, I flew straight towards the stairs.

My moms just came down as they saw how Daemon and I were wrapped in each other's arms.

"What do you know, they do care for each other." Mom grinned.

"If I'd know this was all it took to stop the bickering I'd have temporarily separated them sooner." Mother joked.

"I missed you too." I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes.

"Watch your mouth private." Mother winked.

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