#89 * Don't tell the kids (part 2)

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Requested by amazoncrazysloth

Continuation of last chapter.

- Athena


Malcolm hiked up to Athena Parthenos. He needed a moment to clear his head from all the rumors in the Athena cabin. Rumors on why their mother was in camp, with the victory goddess of all people and most importantly why did she not come to say hello? The question that not a single one of them could find an answer to or at least not an answer any of them wanted to say out loud.

He sighed as he came closer to the statue. It was his go to place to take a moment to sit and breath. Sometimes it would even feel as if his mother was watching and wrapped him up in her Aegis. Though the statue intimidated most, Malcolm actually felt safe underneath it, as it literally radiated his mother's energy.

He looked up to see her calm, regal face staring into the valley below. In her outstretched hand a life size version of Nike held up a laurel. Malcolm smiled as it seemed as if Athena was handing them victory.

When he reached the top of the hill he sat down against the pedestal of the giant statue and closed his eyes, taking in his mother's protective energy.

"Athena you have to tell them." A voice said.

Malcolm opened his eyes and looked around him. No one for as far as he could see. He frowned for a moment, but sat back, closing his eyes again. He must've imagined it.

"Eventually yes, but not today." A very agitated voice replied.

Malcolm's eyes opened wide and he sat up straight in a split second. That was his mother's voice, it had sounded so clear. Could it be?

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry." Nike's voice said with a sigh.

Malcolm slowly crouched around the statue.

"I'm sorry too. I just-... It doesn't feel right to tell them this now."

"I hear you." Nike said.

"Thank you. I promise you, you won't have to hide who you are my love, but telling everyone on Olympus was so intimidating. I'm not ready for another round just yet." The wisdom goddess admitted.

"And that's okay."

Nike placed her hands on either side of Athena's face, gently kissing her.

"We've got time." She smiled.

The daughter of Zeus smiled back. Yes, they had and she quite liked that idea. She wrapped her arms around the angel in front of her and kissed her again.


Athena paled as her body started shaking. This had to be a trick, this was not happening right now. She turned her head to see her son Malcolm stepping out from behind the statue.

"By the fates..." Nike whispered.

She knew she had pushed Athena to tell the kids, buy even she didn't want them to find out this way. A horrible, awkward silence fell over the three of them as Malcolm seemed to be fidgeting with the puzzle pieces in his head.

"Are you-" He started, but stopped half way.

The angel could feel her girlfriend's shaking body. This wasn't good.

"I think we need to have a chat." Nike said for her.

Athena turned to Nike, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"No, not now. Please, no."

"Darling, he saw. He knows."

"But what if-"

"Breath." Nike commanded Athena.

The latter listened and took a couple of deep breaths.

"Good, thank you. Malcolm, take us to your cabin please, we need to talk." The victory goddess said.

"Yeah, of course." He said, seeming to come back after his initial shock.

He started leading them down the hill, but half way he stopped. He turned around and without warning wrapped his arms around his mother. Athena's initial surprise left her confused as to what she had to do with this gesture. Nike poked her in the arm and gave her a pointing look.

'Hug him back.' She mouthed.

Right, the proper response to a hug. The wisdom goddess wrapped her arms around her son and held him close. He still loved her...

When they arrived in the Athena cabin Malcolm called in all his siblings, each sat down on their respected bunk so they had clear view of the goddesses in the middle. Athena herself felt like she was standing trial. Her palms were sweaty and her hands shaking. Though she was grateful for Nike's hand on her lower back, it also made that she couldn't deny what was between them in front of her children any longer.

Malcolm's encouraging looks were nothing compared to the sharp eyes of Annabeth, Alexia, Daemon and the others. She could feel their eyes taking her apart. She swallowed hard.

"You got this my love. I'm right here." Nike whispered.

Athena took a last deep breath and turned towards her children.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why we're here." The daughter of Zeus started

"Though I cannot say much about it, I just want you to know that it involves a quest that needs to happen soon."

"How soon?" Alexia wondered.

"Too soon." Nike responded, shutting the sixteen year old up.

Athena could see her daughter's glare towards her girlfriend. She was one of the ones that wasn't exactly fond of the victory goddess and her children.

"Why both of you?" Annabeth questioned.

"Surely you could've done this on your own."

"I could've, but in all honesty, I needed some support. I haven't been here in centuries and I wasn't exactly comfortable delivering this news by myself." The wisdom goddess replied.

"Why Nike?" Seth asked from behind her.

This was it. The moment that would make or break Athena's already fragile relationship with her children.

"Because... Because Nike is my girlfriend. We've been together for a little while now, we just didn't really find an opportunity to tell you before. But due to certain circumstances I was forced to tell you today. I wish it could've gone different from this bomb that I'm dropping on you but-"

"Mom." Daemon interrupted her.

Athena shut up and stared at her son.


"Are you happy?" He asked her.

The wisdom goddess glanced at the angel behind her, to see the victory goddess with her trade mark smirk.

"Yes, very."

"Then so are we." Daemon grinned.

He hopped off his top bunk and wrapped his arms around his mom and her girlfriend. Soon the rest of his siblings followed his example.

"We love you mom." Annabeth stated.

"No matter who you love." Alexia confirmed.


Dear amazoncrazysloth,

There you go my friend. Athena coming out to her kids? Succes. I hope you like the short. As you know I decided to divide it into two parts so it wouldn't get too long all at once. Have a nice day and if you have any more ideas feel free to let me know!

- Athena

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