#54 * Lost Without You

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Based on 'When the smoke clears' by Andy Grammar.



Nike felt herself shivering.

"Athena, where are you?!" She called out once more.

The angel was surrounded by a thick mist. She could barely see a couple of feet ahead of her. In the distance a dark laughter sounded.

The victory goddess had never felt as alone as she did in that moment. No one heard her, no one could see her, no one could help her. It seemed like a nightmare to be alone like this.

"Are you sure you want this angel? Circe can be a very tricky sorceress to handle." Athena warned.

The wisdom goddess had her arms around the angel's waist. Nike had in turn wrapped her arms around Athena's neck. They stood there, their foreheads touching.

Athena was all dressed up in her armor. Aegis, in the form of an impenetrable cloak, draped over her shoulders.

"Yes, I'm sure. I want to be there with you. I want to fight next to you. That way I can be the first to congratulate you when you win." The victory goddess smiled.

"I'd like that very much." The daughter of Zeus responded with a smile of her own.

They enjoyed their moment a little longer, taking in the other's presence, not sure when they'd get to do this again.

"I hope you're watching dear. It'll be worth it, trust me." Circe said, a psychotic smile lacing her lips and a mad light in her venomous green eyes.

Athena was watching alright. The thing was she didn't exactly have a choice. Circe felt the need to shackle her to a wall with enchanted shackles. They burned into her skin the moment she moved too much. The wisdom goddess' skin was red around her wrists, irrited and burned.

"If you so much as dare touch her!" She called out and tried to reach Circe, but she was held back by the shackles.

The goddess screamed our in pain and took a couple of steps back as the burning sensation cut deeper into her skin.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, for a goddess so smart you never learn do you?" The sorceress smirked.

Meanwhile Nike still wandered around in the mist. The dark laughter was all around her. Her ability to calculate victories told her she was losing this one.

The angel felt tears sting in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall. She knew Circe was watching and she didn't want to give the witch the satisfaction of making her cry.

So she stumbled along. Deeper and deeper into the artificial mist. Until she tripped over something and fell. That something grunted.

When the victory goddess looked back she saw she didn't trip over something, but someone.

Nike kneeled down next to the person to see who they were. When she was close enough to make out a face, she found she almost fell over captain Rexhenor. One of Athena's most loyal men.

"Rexhenor? Rexhenor, are you alright?" She asked.

The captain groaned and pointed at his leg. It was bent in quite an unnatural way. From that the angel made up that it was broken, probably in multiple places too.

Nike grumbled. There was nothing she could about it. She was no medic. But she was a goddess? Maybe she could mend it temporarily, but Rexhenor would have to see a medic or Apollo soon after she did. It probably would last.

"I'm sorry." The angel said to the captain.

Rexhenor gave her a confused look.

"What for?" He managed to croak.

"This." The victory goddess responded.

She let her hand go over his leg and felt the bones shift in the captain's leg. She tried to kind of puzzle them back together. All the while rexhenor screamed out in pain. The screams made it hard for Nike to focus, but she managed to put the bones together.

"There, that should do it for now." She stated.

"You couldn't have warned me this was going to hurt like Hades?" The captain asked.

"You would've objected." The angel said.

Rexhenor simply nodded his head, both in disbelief and objection.

"My lady, may I ask, why are you walking around here? Now don't get me wrong because I'm glad you found me, but why are you still in the mist?" He suddenly asked.

Nike raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would you stumble through the mist when you have wings?"

It was like a whole new world presented itself to Nike. Right, she was an angel. How could she forget? Her wings were litterly what made her, well, her.

Elsewhere Athena saw realization dawn on her angel's face.

"You made her forget who she was?" The wisdom goddess asked Circe with discust lacing her voice.

"No, I merely made her forget that she was an angel." Circe smirked in response.

"How is that not what I said?"

"If I made her forget who she was, she wouldn't have remembered you smart ass."

Athena glared at the sorceress.

"So what? You expect me to be thankful that you didn't erase her entire memory?"

"It wasn't so much erase darling. It was more overshadow it with a need for you. Such a need that it would become a tunnel vision. It really wasn't that hard."

The wisdom goddess stayed quiet.

"For what it's worth, what you two have is special." Circe said, then she walked away, leaving Athena alone with her thoughts.


Hey kiddos,

I just wanted to let you know real quickly that 'Athena x Nike' is open for requests as well. If you have a request for the couple let me know (preferably via discord, link in bio) then I will have a short written for you. Let your horribly, fantastic minds work and give me a challenge or play it nice and just keep it wholesome. Whatever you want, I'll write it. Have some fun with it :)

- Athena

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