#21 * The Skatergirl

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(Author's note: this is an AU so yeah. Just trying some things out you know how it goes. Anyway hope you like this one! Also thank you sooo much for well over 300 reads! - Athena_9909)

Athena's pov

I let my car roll into the school's parkinglot. School. The one place I have a love hate relationship with.

I love the part where I get to learn all these amazing new things, but I hate that there's people around. They tend to expect me to socialize and party with them. I really, really couldn't care less.

I leaned against my car and waited for my best friends. Thank the gods they were on time today. A motorcycle with two people rolled into the parking lot as well and parked right next to me.

A girl in a black leather jacket and some skinny jeans put the keys into the her pocket. The other girl behind her, wearing a black bomber jacket and some black skinny jeans hopped off the bike as well.

"Wauw Artemis. You actually managed to make it on time this morning." I remark.

As she takes off her helmet her silver eyes shine with the light of mischief.

"Wasn't held up this morning." She said as she took the hand of the girl that had been on the back of her motorcycle.

The girl brushed her flame colored hair from her face.

"Only because I let you off easy." She smirked and kissed Artemis' cheek.

Her name was Hestia. She's the nicest girl I've ever met and yet because she's been dating Artemis she's become quite the badass.

"Please spare me the smooch. Dad and his new girlfriend already served me that platter." I shake my head at them with a smile.

"Another one?" Artemis asks.

"Another one." I acknowledge.

We make our way inside and towards the first classroom. I make a stop by my locker though. As I put in the books I don't need Artemis gives me a little push.

"Other side of the hallway." She whispers.

Discretely I let my eyes wander in the direction Artemis gave me. I swallow when I notice what she means. Or rather... Who.

I abruptly look straight forward into my locker again. Next to me I hear Artemis chuckle. Hestia slaps the back of her head.

"You're such a douche." She scolds her girlfriend.

"I can't help it she has the hots for the cliché skater girl." Artemis raised her shoulders.

"But you can leave it alone and not bother her with it?" Hestia retorted.

It shut her up, but she wasn't about to let it go. I knew Artemis well enough for that. I ignored their chatter for the rest of our walk to class.

-later that day-

Last class of the day. Biology. Interesting class. Not my favorite, but also not the worst. However today it truly was the worst. Next to me sat cliché skater girl.

Also known as Nike. The girl I may or may not have been slightly crushing on since junior year.

Imagine a skater girl. Super hot, always hanging out with the guys and showing them how it's done. You have the picture? Now make it your dream girl as well. That picture complete too? Now make it 10 times hotter and you have a good idea of what Nike looks like and what she would act like.

I hated that I liked her. Not because she's a girl of course. Hell I love women. But I don't want to like her in particular. It's nothing personal. I just don't want to be part of that stupid cliché you know? Where the cute nerd gets the popular skater girl?

Athena x NikeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant