#71 * Siblings (part 2)

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The sound of a crying baby filled the hallways and carried itself towards Athena and Nike's room.

"Not again." Athena sighed, still half asleep.

"It's your turn now." Nike muttered, turning around and snuggling deeper underneath the warm blanket.

"You're the one that wanted a baby. I told you me and babies don't mix." The daughter of Zeus grumbled.

"You're the one that agreed and said you'd try for me. I've gotten up the past two times. It's definitely your turn now." The angel responded.

"Ugh, fine." The wisdom goddess grunted.

At the snap of her fingers the small light on her bedside table turned itself on. The daughter of Zeus dragged herself out of bed, envying her wife, who got to stay.

Athena put on her robe and step by step she made her way through the hallway, down to the room next to her own.

As she made her way to her son's room she wondered how she even got here. Then she remembered.

It had been a messy week since Alexia first asked her question of wanting a sibling. In between their work whenever their daughter was free and saw either of the goddesses the same question escaped her mouth.

"Can I have a baby brother or sister?"

Over and over. Athena was haunted by it. Even in her sleep her daugter kept asking her for a baby sibling. She shruddred at the thought.

One night she shot up again. Nike woke up too from the movement next to her.

"Darling? Are you okay?" Her sleepy, but worried voice asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine.." The wisdom goddess said, trying to catch her breath.

When she layed back down she could feel Nike's hand on her chest. A warm feeling spread through her because of the angel's touch, calming the daughter of Zeus.

"This is about the sibling thing again isn't it?" The victory goddess asked.

Athena didn't reply. Saying it out loud sounded silly and denying it was equally stupid.

"Look, I told you, it doesn't have to be a baby if you're not comfortable with it." Nike said, placing her head on her wife's shoulder.

"Except it kinda does have to be a baby because Alexia has been specifically asking for 'a little baby brother or sister'."

Nike couldn't argue with that. Alexia had been very persistent and had never once asked for anything else.

"So a baby it is, why are you so worried? You're a great mother to Alexia, why would this be different?" The angel wondered.

"Because Alexia is old enough to start understanding games I can play. She can read and actually talk. It's hard enough trying to keep her entertained when you were never a kid. Let alone a baby. What am I supposed to do with it?" Athena said, letting all her worries stream out in a waterfall of words.

"Darling, little kids are harder to entertain than a baby, trust me. But, even so, that's not the only thing you're worried about is it?" Nike questioned, digging a little deeper.

If they were going to do this, which they probably were seeing as Athena promised if Alexia kept asking for a week. She wanted to get rid of every doubt or worry her wife had. This could only work if the two of them were fully commited.

"What if the baby and I don't connect? With Alexia you were the one that made that happen because you gave her Aegis. What if it doesn't happen now?" The daughter of Zeus admitted.

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