Not A Chapter * Life Update?

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Hi kiddos.

I know. You were probably expecting a chapter by now. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded any. I want to take a moment to explain why.

First of all I'm attenting college, starting monday. Since this is new to me I'm going to need time to settle in and adjust to my studies. I'm also going to have to find out how my writing is going to fit in next to school and training for motocross.

That's a second. Motocross. To me it is starting to become something more serious and a lot more competitive than it has been in previous years. This means, starting next season, I will race pretty much 1 race every month. That might not sound impressive to some of you, but for me this is a huge step. It means I need more hours on the bike and I also need to start putting in some work off the bike. Which naturally can't limit my school work.

As a third and last point, I need to be cautious of my mental health. Don't get me wrong I'm in a better place than I've been in a long time, but it feels a bit wonky these days. Of course writing helps, but I can't drown in it either like I used to. There are things I have to do in the physical world too. I want to take care of myself and make myself come first on this. No matter how much I love writing your requests and hearing your inspiring comments.

As a result of these three points I will most likely change up my updating schedule. For now it'll be quite random since I'm focusing on school these first days, but I want to bring it back to a regular, I just have to figure out how it's going to fit in with everything.

If you made it this far I want to thank you so much for supporting me and my stories. If you voted, commented or even just read and enjoyed them. Thank you a thousand times. It really means the world to me that you enjoy them! It keeps me motivated and not just to write, but in my everyday life as well!

Now lastly, I want to keep in contact with you guys even if I'm not on wattpad. I will still be active on my discord so if you feel like reaching out, for anything really, just do it. Take the opportunity and click either of the links in my bio. I'm frequently active in both servers and most likely respond quite quickly.

Thank you for everything you all have given me so far!


- Athena

Athena x NikeWhere stories live. Discover now