#63 * Pets

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Ten year old Alexia was in her room. She lay on her bed, messing around on her tablet.

"Alexia! Dinner!" Her mom's voice shouted up the stairs.

She shut off her tablet and left it on her bed. She was starving, she could do with a nice meal.

The young girl rushed down the stairs and was in the kitchen moments later.

"What're we having?" She asked her mother.

"You, mac and cheese. Your mother and I, well, the usual." Nike smiled at her.

"Right, ambrosia and nectar." The girl shook her head.

Always the same with those two.

"Where's mom?" Alexia asked, noticing one of her parents was missing from the table.

"I don't know. She said she'd be in the woods with Artemis today. She left at 3 this morning, I haven't seen her since. Although she did mention she'd be back for dinner and I believe Artemis would join." The victory goddess responded.

"Aunt Artemis is joining us?!"

The excitement grew inside the girl. Her and Artemis were quite close. Occasionally Artemis let her join the hunters for the day and they'd go hunt some monsters or hang out by a lake.

"I assume so yes. But like I said, I haven't heard your mother since she left this morning."

Just as she said that the door opened. In stepped Athena, an owl on her shoulder, Artemis and a wolf right behind her.

Alexia stood up from the table and immediately ran over to Artemis, forgetting all about her hunger.

"It's good to see you too kid." The huntress said, ruffling through the girl's hair.

"Really? All the warm welcome for your aunt and not saving anything for your mother?" Athena teased.

"If I must." The girl playfully rolled her eyes.

She went to stand in front of her mom.

"Crouch down please, you're way too tall." Alexia chuckled.

Athena crouched down. But instead of giving her attention to her mother, Alexia focused it on the owl that was sitting on Athena's shoulder.

"Had a nice day in the woods Hexton?"

The barn owl nibbled on her fingers in an affectionate way and hopped from its misstress' shoulder onto his dear friends'.

"The audacity." Athena feigned hurt.

The goddess raised herself to her full length again. Knowing she'd likely get the affection she asked for later, Athena walked over to her wife and kissed her.

"How was your day?" Nike asked.

"Good, a bit all over the place, but very nice." The wisdom goddess smiled.

The angel could tell her wife had enjoyed the nature. She'd been stuck inside for a while now, planning, researching, she had felt a bit stuck so the victory goddess had asked Artemis to take her out.

"Excellent." Nike smiled.

"Let's have some dinner shall we? I'm starving." Artemis said, noticing the food on the table.

Alexia ordered Hexton to take his place in the corner of the room. Artemis' wolf, Dex, layed himself down underneath the owl's post.

They all took their places at the table. Stories were told and laughs were shared. They were all carefree. After finishing her plate Alexia ended up on Athena's lap.

"Mom, do you think I'll ever have a pet like you have Hexton? Or like aunt Artemis has Dex? Or like mom has the anemoi?" The young girl suddenly asked.

"Sure, why not?" Athena asked in return.

"How did you and Hexton get so close?" Alexia continued.

"Well, when Hexton was still a baby owl he was cast out of his nest. He was a bit of a slow learner and couldn't keep up with the others. When I found him all on his own, I took him in. It took some time to teach him all the things he knows now, but with patience and trust he became my best trained owl and closest friend." Athena explained.

"Wow..." Alexia breathed.

"What about you aunt Artemis? How did you and Dex meet?"

"Dex was born into the pack of wolves that protects my hunters. His mother was very close to me, so naturally he became close to me too. When his father passed, Dex became pack leader and my right hand on hunting trips." Artemis said.

"And you and the anemoi mom?" Alexia turned in her mother's lap.

"Well, I didn't really have a say in it. Zeus needed a charioteer obviously and it was either me or my sister. Victory or strength, both looked quite good riding him into battle. In the end he let the anemoi decide who they felt could guide them best. They chose me and that's that." Nike smiled.

"They really chose you? How?" Alexia asked, wonder in her eyes.

"You know how they're like horses, made of clouds? First they swirled around me and Bia, seeing which one of us they liked more. Then when they decided they all booped their noses against me."

"When can I have my pet?"

"Whenever you like. But darling, in order to form such a deep connection, you'll have to let it happen. Not force it." Athena reminded her daughter.

"I know. I know." Alexia said, huffing.

She'd heard it all before. She just wanted a pet too.

Hexton and Dex shared a look. Somehow they seemed to decide on something. Dex got up and walked over to Alexia, placing his head on her lap.

Not a moment later Hexton flew over and landed on Dex's head. He cheerfully hooted and forced his head underneath Alexia's hand so she'd pet him.

"I think in the meantime you'll have plenty of attention from our pets." Artemis chuckled.

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