#51 * Crimson Vow

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This story contains quite a lot of mentions of blood and is quite heavy. It even started getting heavy on me when I was writing it. So I wanted to give you a fair warning that I didn't expect it to get so dark. That's why I tried (?) to give it a bit of a better ending? Sorry if that feels a bit rushed. You guys let me know what you think. If this isn't your thing, totally fine, scroll on and enjoy the next one.

- Athena


The throne room was tense. At least that was what Nike made up from the quiet gods.

It's one thing if they bicker and fight, but when they're silent they're even scarier. The reason why is quite simple really.

When a god is silent and the air is tense, that means they're afraid and what's scarier than to see an almighty being, able to take a life at the flick of their wrist, afraid of something?

Nike stood next to Zeus' throne as always. The boring part of the job. Unless of course things like this happened.

The victory goddess took a glance at her wife, who was sitting directly across from her, on her golden throne.

Athena seemed nervous for some reason. As if she dreaded what was coming. Her grey eyes were scanning the room, as if she was daring someone to make a sound.

Nike could already imagine someone accidentally making a sound and her wife skewering them with her long, golden spear.

She almost chuckeled, she might've been the skewered one, if the thunder outside didn't scare her soul out of its body.

It was so loud the building trembled. The entire council glanced at Zeus. The king of the gods raised his hands as if he said 'wasn't me'.

Nike looked through one of the temple windows. Outside the rain was pouring and lightning flashed. As she stared outside someone seemed to get closer to the window.

A figure with dark wings and dark hair entered the room. Their skin was greyish. The color, weirdly enough, reminded Nike of Athena's eyes. It was almost the same shade of grey.

The angel recognized the figure as Thanathos. The god of death. One of the chtonic deities, living in the underworld.

He stepped into the room, through the window, the same way a sales person would enter through a door.

"Ah war gods!" Thanathos said, spreading his arms wide.

"It's that time again. Let's see how many deaths you've caused this decade shall we?"

Out of thin air a notepad appeared in his hands. Nike looked at her wife. She could swear she could see a shiver go down Athena's spine. And quite frankly Ares didn't look much better. Why they were so afraid of the god of death was beyond the victory goddess.

"Lady Hestia, do you mind if I borrow the center of the room around your fire for a couple of moments?" Thanathos said with a wide grin.

Hestia gave him a small smile, that seemed rather forced and nodded. She chose to stand next to Artemis. The goddess of the hunt gave Hestia an encouraging smile.

"And this decade we have an audience! Lovely!" The god of death motioned at the Olympians.

"And is that... A new lover I spot? Last decade you weren't here." He grinned, pointing towards Nike.

Athena was quite sure the others could hear her grit her teeth. But she didn't care. Thanathos better left Nike alone if he didn't want to end up on the pointy end of her spear.

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