#53 * 'I Promise'

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Nike's pov:

I was nervous. Not just because Athena was coming back from war today, but because my girlfriend told me she wanted to 'talk to me' when she got back. Nothing good ever happened when my girlfriend said that before.

I was pacing back and forth in the throne room and I was accompanied by the other Olympians since they'd want to hear all the new, juicy, war legends themselves.

I wasn't sure if I wanted them to be here right now, they made me even more nervous than I already was.

Suddenly hands on my shoulders jerked me right out of my thoughts, almost giving me a heartattack.

"Relax, it's just me." Aphrodite said.

'Right, just the goddess of ultimate drama- wait no, love appearing at my side. Just what I needed.' I thought.

"Hi Aph." I managed to say.

"Why are you pacing around? I mean I get being excited to see her, but take it easy. You look like you chugged four cups of coffee this morning." The love goddess remarked.

'Wait she can tell?!'

"Look, if there was anything to be nervous about I'd know, so trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about." She winked.

Of course, the one goddess who couldn't disagree more with me on things 'I should not worry about'.

Athena's pov:

My hands were clammy and I felt like the collar of my uniform was suffocating me. I felt jumpy and was bouncing on my feet. Today was the day.


I swallowed nervously, looking at the giant spruce doors in front of me. They'd lead me to the throne room where the rest of my family was seated. My family and my angel.

'My angel..'

The thought lingered in my head. Her image appeared in my mind. The last moment we shared right before I left. An image of her laying in my arms and playing with my hair. By the fates, what I wouldn't give for that to be reality right now.

"Hope you're ready Thena, cause this is it." Hermes said, making me brake free from my thoughts.

Right, this is it.

I shook my head, clearing it from my doubts. I knew what I wanted. I knew what she wanted. Why was I nervous? Why was I afraid?

"Do you have it on you?" I asked my brother.

"You ask, I deliver." He winked, handing me a little, dark blue, velvet box.

"It's really in there right?" I ask just to make sure.

"What? You really think I'd be that cruel?" Hermes smirked.

I shook my head and peaked inside the box. Thank the fates it was really in there.

Nike's pov:

The spruce doors that lead to the private quarters of the Olympians opened. Hermes walked through.

"She's here." He announced.

'Yeah, yeah, that's great now move on.' I urged him on in my thoughts, although I thought it best to leave that unsaid.

A second later the doors opened once more. In walked my girlfriend, flanked by two of her most loyal soldiers. Rexhenor and Daemon I believe. The three of them were dressed in their uniforms.

Before my mind caught up, my feet had already started running towards Athena. It was like a magnetic pull. I really have no other way for explaining it.

I flew around her neck, not wanting to be apart any longer. She caught me with ease and burried her face in the crook of my neck.

"Hi angel." Athena said.

I could feel her smile. I wanted to answer her, but I had lost the ability to speak. Looking back on it, I didn't have to say anything. Nothing I would've said would've added anything to the moment. In truth the silence is what made it so magical.

Athena's pov:

"Angel?" I asked.

I made eye contact with Hermes. He gave me one of his mischievous grins. My eyes glanced towards Hephaestus, he gave an approving grunt. Then I looked at my dad. He smiled. Who knew he could?

I put Nike down. She looked up at me. I could see how nervous she was. I could feel her hands shake as they held my face.

"There's something I want to tell you." I said.

Nike swallowed. I took her hands and took them away from me. I took a step backwards and let go of her. Her eyes darkened with a kind of sadness.

I glanced behind her at Aphrodite who was basically jumping up and down and Artemis who was holding her down with all her strength.

The box in my pocket was starting to get ice cold.

'Now or never...' The words of Styx repeated themselves in my head.

Nike's pov:

I've never been this scared in my life. Why did she let go?

I saw Athena reach in her pocket. She retrieved a little, dark blue, velvet box.

My breath caught in my chest.

I saw my girlfriend sink on her knee.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Nike, I've been meaning to do this for a while now. I've been meaning to make a promise. But before I could I had to be sure that this is what I want. That this is what you want. I can tell you that I am sure that this is what we want. So I'm ready to make that promise.-"

Athena took a deep breath. As if to keep herself together.

"-I promise to give you every part of me, just as you always give me every part of you. I promise to always respect your feelings and opinions, no matter what my own may be. I promise to always be there for you, just as I know you'll always be here for me. I promise to love you throughout eternity. I promise that if I could I would marry you. I swear on the river Styx that there is no one else I'd want to spend eternity with."

As the thunder rolled in the distance she opened the box. A beautiful ring appeared. It looked a bit like a laurel crown with a green gem in the middle. It was gorgeous.

The moment our eyes met I knew that this was exactly what I wanted. That she was exactly what I wanted. I gave her my hand so she could slide the ring onto my finger. So she did. Once more I flew around Athena's neck as the gods and the soldiers applauded.


Hey kiddos,
Sorry that the chapter is a bit late. I've been decorating my dorm for the upcoming schoolyear and naturally that takes up some time. But hey, better late than never right? I felt like doing a wholesome one so yeah, here you go. As always I hope you enjoy. Pop around the discord server sometime if your down and want to chat or have some requests. (link in bio) Happy reading darlings!

- Athena

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