#61 * In The Dead Of Night

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Based on 'Inner Demons' by Julia Brennan.


Nike's pov:

"Nike run! Get yourself out of here!" Athena yelled at me from underneath the rubble.

"No! I won't leave you!" I responded between sobs.

My vision was blurry with tears and my mind was foggy. All I knew was that I had to help her. I started moving rocks, but it was becoming clear it wouldn't do a single dam thing.

"Nike stop." Athena pleaded.

"No." I refused, determined to free her.

With her hands she grabbed mine.

"Nike! Stop!" My wife ordered.

The moment I saw the tears in her eyes I broke down completely. The sobs became louder and my tears continuously streamed over my cheeks.

"It's okay angel. I surrender." Athena said, barely above a whisper.

I heard her voice quiver. She was just as afraid as I am.

"Y-... You can't." I managed to say.

"I lost love. It's time we accepted that."

She forced a smile.

"No, I'm still-.. right here! There has... to be another-.. way!" I sobbed.

Athena shook her head.

"No angel. You're here for me." She whispered.

Her thumb was slowly tracing circles on my wrist. Her touch, even in this awful situation, was soothing.

"Don't worry my love. I'm not afraid."

Athena kissed my hands. For a moment the world stopped. But it came to life again the moment she pushed me backwards.

As I fell the world slowed down. I saw the rubble that would've fell right on top of me if she hadn't pushed me away. The piece that now landed on top of her.

The world faded to black around me as I fell, trying to process what just happened. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't-

'-save her...'

I shot straight up. My breathing was heavy, I was sweating, but around me everything was still black.

No... It couldn't have been real...

Slowly one by one my senses started coming back. I could feel I was sitting up in my bed. My eyes adjusted to the darkness again. It's wasn't black, just night.

'Athena!' I realized.

I looked to my side and saw the vague figure of my wife. It rose and fell slowly notifying me she was still sleeping.

'I need her! Now!'

My heart was screaming to wake up Athena. She'd know what to do. She could calm me. Her touch was soothing and her arms were strong. She could protect me when I needed her to.

My hand hovered over her shoulder. Just as I wanted to touch her and wake her up, my mind stopped me.

'No! Don't bother her! She deserves this rest. Can't you take care of your own problems? Who will you be if you keep running to your wife every moment something goes wrong?' It hisses.

I retrieved my hand. My brain was right. I could fix this too. I didn't need her to jump to my rescue every single time. Even though my whole body seemed to resist going away from Athena, I still got up and wrapped myself in a simple night gown. I just needed some fresh air. That was all.

Athena x NikeWhere stories live. Discover now