#85 * Young Winner

274 13 2

Suggested by Lycoris_ei

Okay so before we get started let me give a warning that this short starts off with smut. If it's not for you, I respect that. You can scroll to the '*' line. From there the smut is over, but you should still be able to follow the storlyline. Aside from that it is important to note that this story is a mortal AU, so both Athena and Nike, as well as both kids will be mortal. Happy reading!

- Athena


Nike arched her back as the sweet feeling of release crashed over her like a wave and a high pitched moan left her mouth. Just as she came her phone started ringing. From between her legs her wife, Athena, raised her head.

"Should you be getting that?" She asked, wiping a bit of wetness from the edge of her mouth.

"Nah, not right now." Nike said, slightly out of breath.

She pulled her wife towards her and kissed her passionately. However before she could do anything else her phone rang again.

"You sure you shouldn't-"

"Nope, this is our time. How many days off do we have together when the kids aren't here?"

Athena seemed to roll the words over in her mind, but nodded in agreement. It was true that it had been a while since they could go all out together.

So against better judgment she ignored the feeling in the pits of her stomach. Something told her that phone call shouldn't be left unanswered. However Athena drove the feeling away and gently pushed her wife back onto the couch, disappearing between her legs once more.

Just as both of them were back in the flow of their motions, Nike's phone started ringing again. Athena stopped, looking up at her wife.

"Yeah, yeah, don't say anything."


Nike got up from the couch, grumbling a curse. She picked up her phone and listened to what the caller had to say.

As the caller was talking to Nike, Athena could see dozens of expressions rippling across her wife's face.

"Yes, we will be on our way. Sorry again for missing your calls. Yes, thank you. Bye."

Athena swallowed. Her wife seemed to be fuming with anger. For what? The woman had no clue.

"Get dressed." Nike said as she threw her wife her button up shirt.

"What for?"

"Alexia and Daemon."

"What about them?" Athena questioned, as worry started building up inside of her.

"That was the principal. They got in trouble."

Nike could see her wife's eyes darken as the words left her mouth. She could already imagine the speech Athena was cooking up in that brilliant mind of hers.

"I'm driving." Nike said as she pulled her blazer from earlier back on.

She didn't even wait for her wife's response as she ran for her keys. Soon enough they both sat fully dressed in the car, on their way to their kids' school. Athena undid her hair from the braid she put in earlier, making her long hair fall in waves over her shoulders.

Though Nike was focused on the road ahead and her kids, she had a hard time not letting her eyes drift to her wife as she made sure she looked presentable. Her navy blue dress pants and white button up looked flawless.

A small smirk laced the woman's lips. She was proud to have someone like Athena standing next to her. Instinctively she placed her right hand on her wife's thigh.

After about twenty minutes of driving they arrived at the school. Both of them entered the school building, making their way to the principal's office. As it came into view both women could see their kids waiting outside the door, heads bowed as a teacher seemed to be telling them off.

"You don't just hit-"

The teacher didn't get the chance to finish their sentence as Daemon and Alexia jumped up and ran towards their parents.

"Momma!" Six-year-old Daemon said, hugging Athena's legs as the tears started welling up in his eyes again.

His mother managed to crouch down to his height and wrapped him in her arms. She didn't question anything, right now her only goal was to make sure her son stopped crying.

"Alexia, what happened honey?" Nike asked her eight-year-old daughter.

The young girl turned her head away, not wanting to tell her mom what had caused both her and her brother to sit here. Just the thought of the disrespect made the blood in her veins boil once again. Nike raised a brow at her daughter's behavior. Usually she had no trouble talking about what bothered her.

"She has been arguing and fighting with another kid in Daemon's class." The teacher explained.

Athena and Nike shared one single look. They seemed to understand each other, but in reality they were on entirely different lines. Nike gently took Alexia's chin between her fingers, turning her head back towards her.

"Did you win?" She asked.

Athena's head snapped towards her wife immediately. She gave her a scowl to show her that she didn't approve of this comment in the slightest. Then she shot another towards her daughter. The girl knew instantly that an answer would not be required, unless she'd like to expect an entire speech from her mom. Alexia was familiar with those and she'd rather not hear another.

The teacher didn't seem too pleased with Nike's question either. Nike was glad neither her wife or the person in front of her could shoot lasers from their eyes. She would have been dead for sure.

"Where is this other kid now?" Athena, ever rational, wondered.

"In the principal's office for his part of the story." The teacher informed them.

With a grateful nod Athena got back to her full length, letting Daemon go. The boy still clutched her legs.

"Might we have a moment alone with them please? Perhaps they might feel more comfortable telling us what happened when it's just us."

The teacher eyed her, however they seemed no match for the steel gray eyes that didn't back away from anything. After a few moments the teacher stood down and moved a little further down the hall, just out of earshot.

"So Alexia, tell me what happened." Athena said, her voice slightly commanding, making it clear she didn't want any funny business.

"The kid was Devon. He was constantly asking questions." She started after a few moments of silence.

"Is there something wrong with asking a question?"

Alexia shook her head.

"No, but he was asking questions about you and mommy. Daemon couldn't answer them and he didn't want to either. Devon kept asking and when Daemon didn't answer he pushed him into a wall. In doing so Daemon hit his head against the wall. I saw it and walked over. I did fight with him, but only because he hurt my brother first."

Athena's stomach turned upside down. Hearing this, she felt sick. Both her kids shoved around and made fun of purely because she chose to marry the woman she loved more than words could describe.

"Never hit first, only ever second." Alexia said just loud enough to hear.

A sentence Nike and Athena had drilled into their kids' behavior. Nike swallowed hard, hearing all of this happened because she loved a woman. The words seemed to grab her by the throat, making all the words she'd love to speak die on her tongue.

"So did you win?" Athena asked in a hushed voice, surprising her entire family.

"Of course." Alexia said, in the same hushed tone, yet 3beaming with pride.

"She was amazing momma." Daemon confirmed.

Neither Nike or Athena could resist the smirks on their faces. If their kids were going to be harassed for who their parents were, at least they knew they could successfully defend themselves. 

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