#70 * Like Mother Like Daughter

321 12 4

Request made by Xyiuoo


"Where are we going again?" 12-year-old Alexia asked.

She seemed annoyed as Nike, her mother, fixed the traditionally styled greek dress she wore.

"We're going to meet your grandmother." Athena, her other mother, stated.

She fitted her golden bracers around her writs, finishing her own outfit.

"Since when do I need to dress fancy for Styx and Pallas. I thought we were past that." The girl grumbled.

She didn't like the traditional greek dresses. It resticted a lot of her movement and the robes were so long she might actually trip over them if she didn't hold them up the way her mothers had taught her. 

"Since it's not them we're meeting up with today." Nike said, finishing up her daughter's dress.

"Why can't I just wear a hoodie and jeans?" The girl asked as Athena dug her fingers into her long auburn hair, splitting it into different sections to braid.

Alexia flinched when her mom was a little rough with how quick she was braiding. She seemed nervous and anxious.

"Auw, mom." 

"Sorry darling." 

After her daughter's comment the wisdom goddess forced herself to slow down and be more careful.

"As for why, it's been a while since my mother has walked the earth. I doubt she even knows what hoodies and jeans are. Next time perhaps, but for a first meeting I'd appreaciate it if you'd try to meet her half way." She tried to explain.

"You have a mom?" Alexia asked confused.

"You have two. Why is this weird to you?" Athena asked, a light chuckle to her tone.

"No it's just-... I thought-"

"That I didn't have a mom?"

The girl nodded. Her mom stilled her head.

"No one ever talks about her. Not even grandpa... Not even you." 

Nike looked at her wife, who seemed frozen into place at the comment. This would be an interesting day alright.

Athena didn't have an answer to Alexia's fact. Truth is she spent most of her immortal life pretending her mother didn't exist. Only recently did she try to connect with Metis' spirit again. It worked and the two had met a couple of times by now.

"Surely next time you visit, you'll bring them along?" Metis asked.

"I don't know mother. I don't know if Alexia can even come here, she's not an immortal yet." Athena responded.

"What do you mean not yet? She's your daughter is she not?" The titaness wondered.

"Yes, but not by blood. Nike and I talked about it and we've decided that when she's a bit older we'll ask her if she wants to be or not. Immortality will be her choice, not ours." 

"I see, so for now she's-"

"Completly mortal? Yes." 

"Will you try? I would love to meet her. And I'd love to meet Nike as well. She sounds amazing. But to be completly honest I don't see how Styx and Pallas could've-" Metis said.

"Mother." Athena cut her off.

"That is my wife you're talking about."

Metis merely raised her hand in defense.

"I didn't mean anything by it. Styx and I never really talked, but she didn't seem like the sweet kind."

"If you two haven't talked all the more reason for you to leave your  judgement behind." 

"Yes, yes, you're right. As I said I didn't mean to sound disrespectful." Metis said.

"Perhaps, until I meet them you could show me a bit of what they're like."

"And how would you have me do that? This is an empty white void that floats in between worlds." Athena said, sounding sceptical.

"Has it really been that long since you've been between worlds dear daughter? Everything you can imagine exists." The titaness grinned.

"So what you're saying is if I imagine Alexia here, she'd exist here?" The wisdom goddess questioned.

"Not the real Alexia, but yes." Her mother confirmed.

"Very well."

Athena imagined Alexia running through the woods with Artemis and her hunters. It was one of the girl's favorite activities. Next to pranks with Hermes.

The goddess also imagined Nike soaring through the sky on her snow white, angelic wings. The imagination passed right above her head. Athena could swear she heard her wife's laugh.

As soon as they were all ready to go Athena took both her wife and daughter in between worlds. They ended up in a white void. Nothing beneath their feet or anywhere around them.

With having ancient Greek goddesses as mothers Alexia was used to some crazy, brainmelting stuff, but this was a whole new level.

"What is this place?" The young girl asked, lifting her food to see if there really wasn't anything there.

"It's nothing and everything at the same time." Athena said.

"How does that even work?"

"That even we can't answer." Nike stated.

Before Alexia could ask more questions a woman popped up in front of her. She had striking grey eyesm just like her mother. Infact she shared a lot of features with the wisdom goddess. The only thing that was different is that she seemed and felt older. Even more powerful in a way. But also kind of dull, like the power was somehow being restrained.

"Athena!" The woman exclaimed, flying in the wisdom goddess' arms.

"You made it!" She said, sounding relieved.

Alexia felt awkward standing there. She was glad to feel her mom's hands on her shoulders. Nike herself felt equally awkward as her daughter did. Neither of them had ever met Athena's mother.

"Yeah, yeah, let me introduce you okay?" Athena said, freeing herself from her mother's bone crushing hug.

"Mother, I'd like you to meet my wife Nike, goddess of victory, and our daughter Alexia."

For a moment nothing more happened than just Metis looking at Nike and Alexia, as if she was trying to memorize every detail about them.

"Pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Metis, titaness of prudence, advice and wisdom." She smiled, holding out a hand.

"Likewise." The angel responded, taking the hand her mother-in-law had extended.

"Wait, I thought mom was the wisdom goddess." Alexia asked confused.

"Oh, I am. But my mother is a titan." Athena started explaing

"So I took her place when-..."

"When I was no longer able to." Metis finished.

The titaness figured explaining their entire history would fry the little girl's brain. Besides her granddaughter wasn't here to meet the Metis from millenia ago. No, she was here to meet the current Metis.


Dear Xyiuoo,

It's been a while since you asked for this one by now. But I'm sure you haven't forgotten. Neither have I. I hope this meets up to your expectations. I really love the general idea, it's sooo wholesome. Anyway enjoy your short my friend. If you have more ideas you know where to find me :))

- Athena

Athena x NikeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ