Ch137 - Smile to die for

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"Her fever has not gone down." I sighed to Jaylah. I'd already called Deaton and he told us that he'd be here as soon as possible .

"Not even a bit?" Jaylah asked me while staring in the general direction of Liz. I shook my head. "Not as far as I could tell."

"That's bad... What are you doing?" Jaylah asked without even looking at me. I turned around to see Liz holding herself up at the doorpost.

I jogged over to her and let her lean on me.

"I was thirsty." she said as if it was only logical that she had to get up for that.

"Then just shout. Any of us are happy to get you something."

Liz nodded but somehow I got the feeling like she wasn't really accepting it.

"You're still burning up. The same as yesterday." Jaylah commented and got Liz a glass of water while I walked her to the couch.

"Thanks." Liz said timidly as she got the glass and drank it in one big gulp. It was only logical since she had a fever.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked her. She'd probably burnt a lot of energy yesterday during the mission and not eating wouldn't help healing either.

"No I'm fine." she said as she shook her head and leaned on her knees.

Both her and Jaylah's heads snapped up at the door. I hadn't heard anything suspicious so I just frowned in confusion as I asked: "What's wrong?"

Before any of them could answer, the door rolled open revealing Stiles, Scott, Allison, Lydia and Isaac. I heard Liz's heart beat slightly faster as all their eyes shot at her and Jaylah. Stiles immediately rushed over with the others hot on his heels.

"Stiles I'm fiiiiine." she answered but ended the sentence by sneezing. "I'm fine-ish..." she added as he pulled up his eyebrow.

"What happened?" he began probably dying to know the details.

"I got bit."

"Yeah I kinda know that part."

Liz glared at him for insisting but after Stiles's puppy eyes she sighed. "I got myself in a nasty situation in which I was caught by one guy while a vampire was approaching me. I managed to escape his grasp but while I was fighting the big guy, the vampire managed to mark me."

"Can I see it?" he asked as he sat on the back of the couch while others began to talk to Jaylah.

Liz shrugged and got the bandage from her wrist. The mark looked just like it had yesterday. "Before you say anything, no I didn't get burned."

"Does it still hurt?"

Liz nodded but quickly added: "I don't expect the pain to lessen for a few days."

"Then we should take a look at that, shouldn't we?" Deaton said as he too walked through the door with a bag in his hand.


Deaton had examined Liz's wrist a couple of times and he'd taken some information like her temperature but so far he'd found nothing that could help her.

"We've come up with a possible scenario this morning..." Allison said just as Deaton stood up and was on the verge of giving up.

Both Jaylah, me and Deaton looked at him.

"What if it's like the time Scott wasn't healing?" she stated.

I didn't even know that there had been a time where Scott wasn't healing. Confused, all three of us stared at her to continue.

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