Ch99 - Slow progress

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"Do you think her dad did this?" Scott asked in general.

"He could've."

"But why would he beat her up so bad?" Scott asked clearly searching for a logical explanation.

"Why would he beat her up in the first place?" Stiles argued.

Scott nodded his head and mumbled "Got a point there."

We waited in dead silence until Scott and I heard Liz's heartbeat accelerate to a normal steady pace. Her eyes fluttered open and she immediately pushed herself up to the best of her abilities. You could see that she'd had to run and be on guard for the past two months. Her first reaction was panic when she noticed the remnants of the sedation in her system. When she saw our worried faces she smiled a broad smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked still pissed for her even having to be in that state she was in.

"First of all, you guys all look so worried." she said as she swung her legs off the table and carefully jumped off while making sure that she didn't slip on the blood. She wobbled for just a second but managed to hold herself up by the table. "Secondly, it's the first time in a week that I can take a deep breath without any pain."

"Well, from what I could gather, you had: a fractured arm, a fractured leg, two fractured ribs, two fractured toes and a fractured clavicle-" 

"A broken what?" Liz interrupted looking confused.



"We're taking you to the hospital." I said not giving her an option. "You're getting an x-ray."

"Why? Is something else broken?" She said with worried eyes.

"Just a precaution."

"Okay." she said while putting her clothes on and stifling a yawn. "Sorry for the blood... and the trouble." she said sheepishly to Deaton. He just shrugged his shoulders and told her that that was his job.

"To the hospital it is!" Stiles shouted and speed walked out of the building.


"Mom, we need your help." Scott said through the phone as we were getting close to the hospital.

"Why? Are you okay?" I heard Scott's mom reply.

"Yeah, it's not for me. It's for Liz she-"

"Liz? I thought she was in Holland?"

"Yeah but she came back. Now can you please make sure that she get's an x-ray... and fast?"

I heard Scott's mom shuffling around and arranging some files. "Is it that serious?" she said obviously worried.

"It could be."

"Okay. Is it a specific area?"

Scott looked at us to see if we knew but after Stiles shrugged he answered with: "No. Full body."

Scott's mom gave him the instructions on where to go and they hung up.

Liz was sitting next to me. I knew that she was really tired because her eyes kept drooping and she only stayed awake from the sound we made and the lights of the street.


"Do you want them to leave?" Scott's mom asked after we'd gone into an empty room. She motioned her head to us. Liz shook her head. "No. It's fine."

Scott's mom nodded and waited for Liz to strip. Her face quickly turned to worry as she saw Liz's upper body being covered in blood. I could see Liz's spine standing out and quickly focused on anything else to refrain myself from getting murderous thoughts.

Liz stood up straight after getting out of her clothes and looked at Scott's mom.

Scott's mom looked at her with an extremely worried expression. "Who did this to you?"

Liz didn't reply.

"Well, it's standard procedure but do you want to sue the person responsible?"

Liz let out a humorless laugh "That won't be possible."

What? What does she mean?

"Okay... I'm still going to have to call child services." Scott's mom said and reached for the door.

"You don't have to." Liz said as she turned around.

"It's the law. Every time someone underage comes in with serious injuries I have to make that call. And from the looks of you all, I would say that there were some serious injuries." she said and wanted to leave again.

"No. I mean I'm not underage anymore."

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