Ch61 - Homework

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The next few days weren't exciting in any way. I did homework, trained myself to be better at controlling the shift. Realized I suck at it. 

All this time alone made me realize some things. First of all: I liked being by myself. I already knew that but I noticed that I'd began to miss it. Lately I'd been spending a lot of time near other people and even talking a shitload of time. I missed that feeling you get when you are alone.

I unlocked my phone and went to my moon widget. It was something I randomly came across. It basically told you when the next full moon was gonna be.

In a few days.

I could already tell that it was influencing me. It wasn't anything major, you wouldn't even call it minor. I just noticed that my cuts healed slightly faster than we thought it would.

I sat on Stiles bed and tried to focus again. Getting myself to shift was still hard for me. I'd never thought that that would be a hard part. In the books I'd read, everyone always seemed to have trouble keeping their wolf at bay. 

I groaned after 20 minutes of failed attempts. I didn't wanted to ask help. Asking for help is having to relay on other people and that's something you are not in control off. In other words: a risk.

I grabbed my coat and walked downstairs. Just when I wanted to open the door and walk out, I saw a suspicious envelope hidden under a book that clearly hadn't been read. 

I got the envelope. It was already open and it had some official looking logo's on them. However, I didn't recognize them. I got the letter from inside and began to read.

It was basically a bunch of bills. Bills that were overdue. Where the Stilinskis having money trouble? Why wouldn't they take mine? I'd delivered the site a few days ago and received the 300 dollars. I know it won't solve their problem but it will definitely help them!

I rushed to the place I'd temporarily stored the money. Should I give all of it? I might need some... I ended up taking $250 and putting it in an envelope myself. I wrote from Liz and don't you dare give it back on the front and laid it on top of the envelope filled with bills.


"I'm not getting better at this!" I groaned as Derek commanded me to sit down after hours of training.

"Something is holding you back." he stated.

"Isn't that the whole point of getting myself to shift back?"

"Yes, but because of that thing you have to focus too hard on getting yourself to shift. Then you're in a focus state which causes it to be hard for you to shift back."

I sighed. "Then what is holding me back?"

"I don't know. But I think that you've done enough training for today." he said as he saw me looking exhausted. To be honest, I would rather keep training until I literally drop to the ground but I knew Derek wouldn't approve.

"Okay." I agreed. "Hey... I've been thinking. About questions..."

"What kind of questions?" he said interested.

"Stuff I would've asked when I just turned but sorta slipped my mind." he waited for me to continue so I did "Do vampires exist?"

Derek had a little smile tugging at his lips. Oh no that was a stupid question wasn't it? Way to go Liz! Now he has prove that you're an idiot.

"Yeah they do. But they're not twilight-like at all."

"What are they like?"

"They always keep a low profile. They can't change humans into one of them. They drink humans. But it really depends on the vampire you encounter to be able to live to tell the tale."

"What do you mean?"

"They like to stalk their prey before killing it. They only need a little blood to be satisfied for a week but most of them choose to drain them dry in order to stay full for at least a month. But some times, only very rarely, you encounter a vampire who dislikes his kind. They usually have a human that sacrifices their blood to him or her. They meet up every week so that he or she can take just a little."

I nodded. "What about sunlight? and aging?"

"they burn in the sunlight but they've developed some sort of sun cream for it to slow down the process. And they age just like us; normally."

"So they burn in sunlight, age like us and the chances of surviving the encounter with one is highly unlikely?"

"Yeah that sums it up." he said "Any other questions?"

"Yeah, do werewolves have mates?" 

His eyes widened just a second. After I blinked they were back in their normal position, which made me doubt it even happened at all.

"Do you know what it stand for?"

I shook my head. I only knew that it was something that was often used in my werewolf books when two werewolves were a couple.

"It comes from soulmates. And it's basically the same." he turned to me "Do you believe in soulmates?"

I only had to think for a second before having my answer ready.


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