Ch100 - History lesson

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"You're not underage anymore?" Stiles asked confused.

"I turned 18 a few weeks ago."

"Well... this is a shitty way, but congratulations?" Scott asked more than said.

Liz laughed slightly while we all winced inwardly at the sight of her body and bones move. Even if it healed, it still looked weird and unnatural for us to be able to see the bones beneath the skin.

"So..." Liz said after none of us reacted "x-ray?"


The ride back was mostly silent. Liz thankfully didn't have any other broken bones so we were free to leave. The outside had turned pitch black since we left. It was nearly midnight. Stiles and Scott were both spacing out and most likely thinking about the situation. I'd been doing the same but stopped when I saw Liz yawn. She quickly bit her lip to stop herself and leaned back into the seat. She crossed her arms in front of her and stared outside with an uneasy expression.

What would she be thinking right now? I shrugged the thoughts out of my head and decided to solely focus on driving.

After a few more minutes I pulled up at my apartment. Scott and Stiles both climbed out still thinking and not really paying attention. Liz, however, climbed out a bit slower than normal and not as flexible as always. I decided not to say anything and we headed for the door.

Liz kept squeezing her eyes shut after a few seconds and walked slower than normal. I lagged behind and walked next to her.

"Are you okay?"

Liz looked up in surprise, as if she hadn't heard or seen me walk next to her. Yeah she's not okay.

"I'm fine." she said with a bit of an empty voice and a small smile.

Not trusting her, I kept walking next to her. She didn't say anything and sat on the couch as soon as she could. Stiles sat down next to her while Scott took one of the seats on the other couch. I studied her for just a second. Something about her posture was odd. After a few seconds of staring I couldn't find anything other than that she was hunched over a bit more than usual, which didn't have to say anything.

"Did your dad do that?" Stiles asked Liz after a silent and short pause.

Liz didn't reply nor even acknowledged Stiles's presence. She kept sitting in the same posture with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Why were most of your injuries on your left side?" Stiles tried again.

Again, Liz didn't do anything other than breathe and looking a bit pale.

"Liz?" Stiles asked as he gently poked her arm.

"What?" she said dazed and looked to her left, where Stiles sat. "Sorry. I'm not feeling too well..."

"What's wrong?" 

"Don't worry about it," Liz said "It's just-"

"Oh god" Liz mumbled as she held her hand on her stomach with an pained expression and sprinted away. We all ran after her but it didn't take long for us to hear, and smell, why she'd been spacing out. The stench of vomit filled the air and hit Scott's and my nose hard. Even Stiles could smell it.

I went in with her. She was hunched over the toilet and had managed to get her hair out of her face before she'd vomited. I grabbed a glass, which was standing on the sink, and filled it with water. When she'd stopped and sat back with her back to the wall next to the toilet, I gave her the water which she gladly took. She looked bad with dark circles under her eyes and an hollow expression.

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