Ch117 - Breakable

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"Hey follow me." Derek whispered in my ear.

We'd been at the party for at least an hour by now. Well it could've been less but it felt like an hour. Lydia had suggested that we'd go out to dance. After I said no a million times, Allison and Lydia tried to drag me out of the room. Eventually I got overpowered when both Isaac and Scott decided to help as well. It didn't last long though since they could see that I was uncomfortable on the dance floor. I told them to stop worrying and headed back.

Derek guided me from the kitchen, where I'd been standing, to the room they'd given me their presents earlier. The room was now empty; the others were dancing or doing god knows what.

"There's an other thing I wanted to tell you slash give you but I couldn't do it in front of the others." he said as he turned around and scratched his neck. Something about him said nervous, which made me nervous. What would he be nervous about?

"So uhm..." he started but trailed off immediately.

I could hear his heart beating slightly faster than normally. I bit the inside of my lip trying to get the nervous feeling away and nodded for him to start.

"It's just that uh..." he said as he glanced next to me. "The last few nights you've basically collapsed at my place." Oh god that's kinda weird isn't it? The first night I got sick and had to stay there. The second day I did some research on the murderer and they found out that my temperature is lower than it should be and basically forced me to take a nap... And it basically went like that the past few days... Derek scratched his neck again out of nervousness. "And I wanted to ask... or offer it officially... Liz, do you want to move in?"

 He looked so cute when he was nervous. A grin appeared on my face without me even realizing it. "Are you sure you can handle living in the same house as me?"

"I'm willing to try it out." he said as he cocked his head sideways and with the ends of his lips curled upwards.

"Hmm even though I don't think we're doing things in the right order, yes. My stuff is already at your place anyway."

"Very true." he said with a relieved smile.

I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his waist. He immediately caught on and did the same. 

"Were you really that nervous I was gonna say no?"

"Well, like you said, it isn't really in the right order. Plus you've seen my face for the past few days every day. I'd get tired of me."

"That also works the other way around. You sure you aren't tired of me yet?"

"The only thing I'm tired of is that you can't have a normal life. Past, present and probably future."

"Same goes for you Mr Wolfy. Born wolf. That means that you've also walked around with big secrets your entire life."

"Not like yours." he said silently

"Different secrets but still big secrets." I said while looking up at him. "I'm not the only one of us who's running from their past."


I rubbed my hand over the mark in my neck. The place had been hurting ever since Deaton had taken a sample.

"Got something with your neck?" Damien asked.

He'd arrived this morning to ask some things about the full moon since it would be in a few days.

"No I'm fine."

Why did I lie last night? I could've easily told them about it being a mark instead of my lie of it being a tattoo.

Maybe I thought they weren't ready yet.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now