Ch39 - The morning after

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Dedicated to my sister for being able to find this story between all the stories on Wattpad. 

Even though I was kinda hoping she wouldn't.

When I woke up, I felt that my hand was laying on something. More specifically: someone. I opened my eyes and sneakily glanced to my side.

I saw Derek softly snoring with his face buried in his pillow. He was laying on his stomach and my hand was on his bare back.

I slowly took my hand back. Derek didn't move and kept sleeping.

My stomach growled. I quickly looked up to see if Derek had heard it but he was still asleep. I slowly got off the bed and sneaked to the kitchen.


I opened the fridge expecting it to be filled but instead I found a little bit of cheese, some ham and a questionable orange liquid in a glass can.

I looked around until I found some bread and decided to eat that without anything on it.

Just when I put the first piece in my mouth, I heard something behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Derek walking up to me while yawning.

I took a relieved breath and went back to eating my bread. Derek looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Morning." he said.

"Moooorning" I replied when I'd swallowed my bite.

Derek opened his mouth to say something else but we were interrupted by a noise coming from the stairs. I looked up and saw Peter coming down.

So he's also okay.

As soon as he noticed us he narrowed his eyes. He inspected me from head to toe. I felt a little uncomfortable with it so quickly took an other bite.

"I didn't know you had a little fun last night, Derek." he stated after he looked at my clothes.

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating while Derek growled and began to deny it.

Peter walked down the stairs and approached us.

"And Liz. Please stop occupying my nephew. He's got stuff to do."

"What?" I stammered confused.

They both ignored me and went on with getting something to eat. They were also let down by the variety of choice and both made a simple sandwich.

After breakfast I began to question Derek. They must've found something in the three days that I was unconscious.

"So what was it? What attacked me?"

"We're not sure yet... But it might be called Hyacintho Lautus."

My eyes widened. "Hyawhattes?"

"That's the full name. It's Latin. "

I watched Derek expectantly. This couldn't be all they'd figured out in three days right?

"It matched most of our criteria but none of us got a good look."

"Not even you and Peter?"

Derek shook his head slightly. "No, Peter got attacked from behind and when I showed up, it was already gone."

"So... all you know is that it's a blue midget?" I asked more disbelieving and skeptical.

"Well, Lydia also saw it once." Oh god everyone knows about me "She said that it was midget size and that it had orange eyes. Oh right... and it was looking for something."

"The eye color changes." I stated. Derek and Peter both looked up at this new information. "When it saw me for the first time, it had green eyes. But before it slashed me, they turned purple."

They were both thinking about it so I decided to say my thoughts. "Could it be... that the color matches his mood or behavior? Green is normal... Orange is searching... And purple... could be something else?"

Derek opened his mouth to say something but the door opened behind them. We all looked at it to see who'd entered.


Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now