Ch146 - Not the point

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"I'm gone for just a few days and when I come back I don't just find out that my best pack member was arrested but also that she's possibly dying?" Peter said as he helped me walk out of the hospital. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and I had my arm around his shoulder to help me walk. I could feel that I was getting better but the antidote needed time to spread.

"I'm your best pack member?" I asked.

"Not the point."


"And why did you have to be this goddamn expensive?" he mumbled more to himself than to me. "So why were you arrested? I trust that you've gotten yourself out of that situation?"

"Well..." I started carefully as Peter started to glare at me "They kind of had something really solid on me. They found my blood on the crime scene."

Peter groaned. "Shit-"

"But I've got a plan. And it's a good one. I'd say about a 95% chance of success." I quickly countered.

"95 is still not 100."

"Well no plan is perfect. But at least this one is good." I huffed.

"It better be since you're not capable of doing anything at the moment."

"Hey! I can still do things." I answered offended.

Peter stopped walking. We'd already reached the parking lot and his car was in sight. "Oh really?" he questioned sarcastically as he let go of me and tried to step away. My legs, which were already wobbly, nearly gave out and I quickly grabbed Peter's shirt.

"Fine! fine." I answered with a glare.

Peter wrapped his arm around my waist again and helped me walk the last few meters to the car.

"So what happened? Where were you?" I dared to ask when Peter climbed in his driver seat.

"I was on a business trip." He answered while starting the car.

I scrunched my nose "What do you even do?"

"I'm... an accountant."

"Okay..." I replied while I rolled my eyes "Anyway, have you seen Derek yet?"

"No I heard their voice-mail messages and decided to bail you out first. Why?"

"Well..." would he still be scared of me? "No never mind. It's nothing."


A lot happened when I came back. My legs were less wobbly and allowed me to stand for a while. That came in handy when a girl, who I'd never seen before, walked up to Peter and punched him straight in the face.

"Cora, how nice to see you again." Peter said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"You told Derek to leave me in South America, didn't you?" she replied with balled fists.

"It was the best for you." Peter replied.

Left in South America? Is she Derek's sister?

"How's the antidote working?" Derek asked as he approached me and wrapped his arm around my middle like Peter had done.

"Well it started off slow but I think it's working." Well at least he's not running away or something.

"So you're my brother's girlfriend." Cora said.

"Uh yes." I answered awkwardly. She didn't seem happy with me. It was as if she was annoyed.

Before anyone could start a conversation, Jaylah walked in with her two kids immediately running in. They froze up as they saw Cora. Alex hid behind Allison as she just stood her ground.

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