Ch1 - Help

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Wet drops of rain dripped on my face as I continued to walk in the same direction. I cursed myself for accidentally ripping my coat a few miles back. Not that it had been that efficient anyway but it would've kept me at least a bit warmer. It was already dark. Maybe even around midnight, I had no way to tell. There was one thing I knew for certain; I needed to hurry up.

After half an hour of walking in the soaking rain, I reached my destination; Beacon Hills. I got the note from my bag and started wandering around.

A few years back I'd gotten really into online gaming. I immediately got hooked when I found a Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlay Game or MMORPG for short. In the beginning I did everything by myself but one day I found someone who needed help.

An other player named StlsTheAwesome12. He'd probably accidentally jumped from a rock and had gotten stuck in the river. For the first few minutes I did what any normal person would do; hide and laugh at him. But he kept shouting for help, which caused the 'monsters' to attack. He wasn't going to make it on his own so I ended up helping him and we became good friends. Even outside the game.

I know that people may judge this. I mean, we've never met in person. But we've Skyped and talked more than I've talked to any other person in my life. So I don't care if they judge. Stiles is my friend.

We knew a lot about each other. He even gave me his address, which I wrote on the note I'm holding right now.

All the houses looked the same! I'll never be able to find Stiles house before they go to sleep. Dammit.

"Hey, are you lost?" a guy called from behind. I turned around and saw a guy in his early twenties with dark hair and green eyes. He's hot. What? No, shut up.

"Do you know where I can find this street?" I said showing him the note but holding my fingers on everything but the street name.

"Yeah, it's actually down this way." he said walking ahead.

Should I follow him? I don't even know him. He could be dangerous. He probably is dangerous. I mean who walks around at this time of day in the rain?

Oh right, me.

Then again he didn't do anything hostile and I was gonna begin a new life here, so maybe I should just follow him.

I jogged to him, ignoring my muscles who where aching from all the walking. The guy kept quiet for most of the walk, which I was happy about, until we were almost there.

"So, what are you doing in Beacon Hills?"

"That's... not really up to me."

He shot me a questioning glance but quickly returned to his pokerface. Okay it's time to start a conversion!

"What's your name?"

He stared at me like I'd asked something weird. Oh god, that wás weird, wasn't it? So sudden, out of the blue. Way to ruin any chance of looking normal, dipshit! I suck.

"It's Derek. Derek Hale."

I released the breath that I was apparently holding and said "I'm Liz."

He nodded and we resumed in silence. I really hope that people are like him in America. No bullshit.

Before I knew it, we were standing at a sign which said the right street name.

"Thanks." I mumbled. He never changed his facial expression but he said quietly: "Don't wander outside at night." then he just walked off without looking back.

That was weird. Even for me.

I decided not to think too much of it and brush it off. I inspected the numbers on the houses and I soon found the right one. The lights were still on, so someone must be up.

I quickly dashed up to the door since it was under a little roof so I would be dry-ish. I put my only bag I had from home on the ground and hesitated before knocking. What if he doesn't let me stay? What if he doesn't even want to be my friend anymore after seeing me in real life?

I pushed the thoughts out of my head. I had to try; I couldn't go anywhere else.

I raised my hand and knocked two times. I knew someone was home; the lights were on and I could faintly hear the TV.

I was right. I saw some shadows behind the door coming to open it. What if Stiles doesn't recognize me?

Of course he does, we've Skyped a couple of times.

I held my breath as the door opened revealing someone I didn't know. He looked at me with that look someone gets when they are about to ask you 'are you lost?'

"Uh... is Stiles home?"

The man looked confused and opened his mouth to ask me something but after leaving it hanging open for a few seconds he sighed and called Stiles's name anyway. He motioned for me to come into the house and I gladly obeyed. Then he walked away and returned his attention to the TV.

I heard some noise coming from upstairs and heard someone fall. Quickly after that, a door opened and footsteps were heard on the stairs. I looked up and saw Stiles coming down.

It's really him!

Stiles hadn't noticed me yet since he was looking at his feet. When he was four steps away from the bottom of the stairs, he looked up. He froze.

"Oh... my... Liz?"

I nodded. I couldn't get any words over my lips. I would've choked up. He jumped the last few steps and hugged me. At first I stiffened up but when I realized that he was hugging me I hugged him back.

He smelled great. Something comforting and warm was about this house.

"You're drenched! What did you do? Walk here?" he said jokingly.


He looked at me like I'd said something weird but nodded his head.

"Okay then. First: dry clothes."

I followed him to his room. It also had this normal teenage boy charm. There were posters on the wall of what he liked and dirty laundry was all hoped up in a pile in the corner.

He gave me one of his shirts and showed me the bathroom. I quickly changed. When I got back I saw Stiles putting down my bag.

"So what brought you to this visit?" he said still half in shock that I was actually there.

I debated on what to tell him and how but before I knew it Stiles was hugging me again.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying ?"

I felt the tears on my cheeks and suddenly I knew what to say.

"Stiles I need your help."

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now