Ch83 - Take a walk

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Dedicated to Keuli for petting and walking the FatBox. He loves it.

I looked at the text Derek had send me. I think you should text Lydia. She's been spamming me ever since you've send that text -.-"

"You got that from this?!" I said to Stiles. How could he possibly get that from this text?!

"You've been smiling since you came home, you said something big happened and you began to grin like an idiot after receiving that text." Stiles declared as if he cracked some sort of official cold case. "Now what exactly happened? You and Derek? Are you crazy?!"

"Well... Uh... Wait, why is that weird?"

"It's freaking Derek Hale-"

"I am aware of that fact." I countered quickly.

"He's 4 years older than you!" 

"That's not that much. My parents differ 3.5 years and I knew people that differed more than that."

"No offense but your parents might not be a good example."

I glared at Stiles. That was low. Even though he was most likely right, he shouldn't have said that. I got up and put my phone in my pocket.

"Wait, Liz. You can't just... run off."

"Apparently you've forgotten where I'm from. I used to do that all the time." I said really pissed off. I'd kinda expected Stiles to avoid that subject as much as possible. Or at least to quickly brush it off after accidentally bringing it up.

"You should face your problems head on! Running away doesn't solve anything."

"Since when is me liking Derek a problem?"

"What is there to like? He's never happy, always frowning, not really a joy to speak to, he's intimidating... I just think that you deserve someone better."

"Stiles I'm not saying that you should go gay for Derek, but geez. And besides, I don't even deserve him." 

"Liz, that's-"

"What are you two doing?" Mr Stilinski asked with a tired expression from the door opening. "I heard shouting." Mr Stilinski looked at me and Stiles, who was still on the ground, while waiting for a somewhat decent answer.

"It's nothing." I said while Stiles's mouth was just open for flies to fly in. 

"Liz got a boyfriend." Stiles blurted out.

I turned my head to Stiles and gave him the best are-you-fucking-kidding-me look. He wanted to discuss this with his dad? Wait, they have the ability to kick me out. Nah, they wouldn't do that... right? Well they might. I mean everyone has a tipping point.

"Congratulations?" Stiles's dad said confused.

"No, dad, you don't understand." Stiles said as he got a little bit more comfortable on the ground. "It's Derek."

Mr Stilinski looked at us with his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something. Eventually he sighed and rubbed his eyes to stay awake "Just don't get pregnant."

"Wha- No!" I quickly said as I felt my ears heat up.

Stiles's dad left the room and I instantly glared at Stiles. 

"Thanks for the backup dad!" Stiles shouted at the door as I heard Mr Stilinski walk away.

"What is there to back up?"

"Well he's been arrested multiple times."

"So have you." I countered.

"He's been a fugitive."

"You still have a restraining order."

"Okay well... Who said that I was better than Derek?"

"Stiles, seriously, what is your problem?" I said seriously angry.

Stiles stared at me for a few seconds before answering. "I just don't want you to end up regretting your decisions?" he said highly unsure of himself.

"Dude you can't even come up with something."

"I just don't like Derek, okay?"

"And I do."

I could hear that Stiles was really frustrated by his heartbeat. We glared at each other for a couple of seconds before I turned around and picked up my math book. "...It's like babysitting an 8 year old..." I heard Stiles silently mutter.

I growled lowly and headed for the door.

"Liz... Liz, come back." Stiles tried but I kept walking. I know that I usually run from my problems but why would you not? I could stay in that same room for the rest of the night with a lot of awkward tension, or I could walk out and it would be solved in the morning.

I didn't really think about it and just headed for Derek's place. It had become some sort of default mode of mine. After just a few minutes of walking, I began to shiver. Of course I'd forgotten to wear anything like a vest. I'd taken my vest off half an hour ago because I didn't think I'd be going out anymore and I wasn't cold anymore.

Stupid. Now I'm cold. Wait, did I bring a key? I quickly checked my pockets but I soon found out that I literally had nothing other than my phone with me. Well that was smart, I thought sarcastically.


"Hey, what are you doing here?" Derek asked me when he saw me open the huge door leading into his apartment. Peter and Derek where both sitting on the couch and it looked like I'd interrupted some sort of meeting-ish thing.

"I-uh, I pissed off Stiles. And since I live in his house, I figured that I should probably be the one to take a walk."

Peter kept staring at me as if I really had interrupted something important so I quickly added. "I'll be in the trainingsroom."

Why did I have to say trainingsroom? Now I'm expected to actually train and stuff. Ah fuck it. It's better than getting caught for accidentally eavesdropping on something I wasn't supposed to hear.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt