Ch22 - Back story

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Apparently we weren't the only ones who got detention from him. Four different kids were also here with us. I didn't recognize any of them. 

The teacher split us up into groups of two and made us do stupid things. Isaac was my partner and we had to rearrange the library.

We were quiet until we reached the library. I opened the doors. I expected it to be empty so I jumped when I saw Derek.

Ah fuck.

He was leaning against one of the tables. As soon as I was inside, Isaac closed the door behind us.

"So..." I said when they didn't begin to ask questions.

"Why are you covered in scars?" Isaac asked truly concerned.

He walked next to Derek and leaned against the table.

"That's a long story." I said laughing a humorless laugh.

"We've got the time." Derek answered softly.

I gulped. I didn't really wanted to tell them. I mean I got that they needed to know, but I didn't wanted to relive my memories.

I cleared my throat "Okay... It's uh also kinda the reason behind my blue eyes." I said awkwardly. I normally always hated to tell some sort of sad back story. Normally it's because people want sympathy. "And.. also the reason why I moved here..." I said while leaning against one of the walls.

"My mom died in a car crash. But is wasn't because she was drunk or something. She was leaving my dad and I. She never really liked me anyway, I was a mistake but she was against abortion so she had no trouble leaving me behind."

They were both watching me with a well practised poker face.

"It was raining on the day that she left. She was driving too fast. The car slipped and she hit a tree. She was dead on impact."

I paused.

"My dad also didn't like me. He always said that I was a waste of money. But he did wanted to be a good dad so he'd developed this system. If I did something bad or not good enough in his opinion, he'd punish me. Some times he would just beat me. If it was something really bad he'd get a baseball bat thingy or something sharper."

Isaac's expression changed in something I didn't really understand and Derek closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"When I got older he didn't wanted to waste the time of checking my stuff anymore. So he'd just randomly walk in and punish me because I'd probably fucked something up in his eyes. Or it was for something I would fuck up in the future, so he punished me in advance."

I paused again and closed my eyes. I tried to block all the memories but some just came rushing back. Moments where I was finally proud of something but it wasn't good enough for him. Moments where I knew I'd fucked something up and the panic that came with it.

My eyes glowed for a few seconds but I managed to push it away.

"I think I got my eye color from that. When you're little, you're still so innocent and you sort of kill yourself off when you have to do chores and you never get to play outside."

I looked up and saw them both in deep thoughts. Isaac looked like he was battling his own demons while Derek looked more like he regretted some things.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So that's my life story." I said while suppressing all my memories and emotions.

Derek slowly stood up and got closer to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. He whispered something that I could only hear with my werewolf hearing and even then, just barely. 

"It won't stay like that."

I nodded and Derek walked away. The door closed and it got really quiet. I looked up at Isaac. He was clearly in deep thoughts.

"So... I guess we have more in common than I thought." he said with a humorless smile.

"What do you mean?"

"My mom died early and my dad ended up beating me." 

He's like me.

I smiled at him. It might've been weird to smile at someone after they tell you something like that but we understood. Even though people tell you that they understand what you must be going through, no one knows until you've experienced it yourself.

"I meant it thought." Isaac said with a more serious expression "You shouldn't wish your dad dead."

I turned around and began to order the books. "I don't want him dead. I just want to never encounter him again."

but seeing him dead wouldn't be something I'd mourn over.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now