Ch11 - One of us

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Peter grinned and bit into my arm. It stung at first but it grew numb after a few seconds. I gritted my teeth but didn't scream. I always thought that it was useless to scream when you're in pain. My dad taught me that even though you're in pain, you should be so selfish as to make sound to attract attention.

Peter retracted his fangs and looked up to me. His eyes weren't glowing red anymore.

"You are an interesting one." he said to me and he walked away.

I grabbed my arm and inspected the wound. It was bleeding excessively and random waves of pain still appeared. I had no idea where the medical stuff was in Derek's house, so I began to wander around. I ended up finding a kitchen and the bathroom. Not knowing what to do next, I got ready to take a shower.

The warm water distracted me from the current world.

You might wonder why I said yes? Well, let's face it, if you get an invitation to become something supernatural... Would you really pass it? That had been one of my dreams ever since I found out about supernatural things in my books. I knew that it was silly and that the supernatural didn't existed but it was still one of my hidden dreams. 

And when you find out that it does exist... Why turn such an offer down?

There were probably a lot of extra risks attached to it. In a lot of books the chance of surviving the bite is quite small. But it wasn't like I had anything to live for anyway...

I rather be dead than to have to go back to my dad. I didn't wanted to face to fact that Stiles, my only friend kidnapped me and tied me to some pole. It wasn't like I had a foundation to build a future and leave this place.

Well okay, I think I know why Stiles did it. It was because of Scott. He thought I was suspicious because I smelled weird. That also makes a lot more sense now that I know that he's a werewolf.

But still. I thought Stiles knew me. They could've easily told me about the supernatural and I'd be happy to help out.

My mind began to think of all sorts of ways how it couldn't have been Stiles's fault and, even though some of them were not even likely to be true, they still helped me. In the end I wasn't as mad at Stiles as I was before.

I turned off the shower and got out. I realized that I didn't really had anything else to wear, so I changed into my old clothes. 

I inspected my arm. The bite was clearly visible, but the blood was gone. It looked clean. I covered it with my sleeve and walked out. 

As soon as I walked out, I got pinned against the wall by Derek.

"What happened?" he asked angrily but still in his human form.

"What do you mean?"

He brought his head closer to mine and sniffed my hair. My heart began to beat even faster even though the adrenaline had already sped it up.

"You smell different." he stated.

"I took a shower?" I answered confused.

"That's not it." he got his face from my hair and looked me into my eyes.

"You know about us, don't you?" he asked me.

I nodded.

He cursed and let me go. "Who told you? What do you know?"

"Peter and to be honest, not much."

"Good. Keep it that way." Derek said.

"That won't be possible." Peter said after appearing behind him.

"Why not?" Derek asked while Peter got closer to me.

He grabbed my arm and pulled down my sleeve. The bite was gone.

He grinned and said "She's one of us now."

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now