Ch47 - Moon

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The next few days was spend on trying to find out about that weird midget. Lydia made a genius comment on my theory. Green eyes would be for normal situations, Orange ones would be for when it's looking for something and purple would be for poison. Purple was usually used for poison so why not with the thing? I got poisoned after it turned purple. I would make sense.

Isaac and I also told the others about Oliver. The others instantly disapproved. Even though I agreed that Oliver was a mistake, I felt like they needed to think more before they judged. I didn't say anything about it.

Oliver had taken some time from work with the excuse that he'd broken his arm. He was some sort of business... person... who did a lot with typing data into computers so he couldn't work without his arm.

I'd trained a lot with Derek. Basically, after school ended, my other lessons began. We'd been doing that for the last few days but I still felt like we'd made little to no progress. Stiles kept offering to train with me but I didn't wanted to rip his throat out so I kept declining.

It was the day of the full moon. I woke up on Stiles's couch. I knew that he didn't like it that I slept here instead of some makeshift bed but I didn't wanted to trouble him. Besides, the couch is fine.

I got a piece of bread and ate it. I quickly cleaned up in the bathroom and waited for Stiles.

"So, how are you feeling?" he said while getting in the car.

"You don't want to hear that answer." I said annoyed.

"Sure I do."

"Like I'm on my period." I said grumpily. So far every little thing had ticked me off.

I heard Stiles choke on some air. "Okay... Did not expect that one."


The rest of the day I spend on trying to avoid as much people as I could. But cheesus! Stiles's friends are so nosy! Every single one of them checked up on me. Lydia, Allison, Scott twice, Isaac...

It was nearing the end of the day. We only had PE and then we'd be free to go. I'd decided to get some distraction and actually join in today.

I followed Lydia and Allison to the locker room. They were still happily chattering about anything in their minds. I couldn't blame them that they didn't know that I was so annoyed by it; I never really said anything.

They began to change so I did the same. I pulled my shirt over my head while facing some lockers. I heard some people gasp behind me and it began to get quieter and quieter around me. I turned around with my shirt in my hand.

All the girls were gasping and quietly talking. I tuned in on some of their conversations.

"What did she do?"

"How do you even get so many?"

"Well we don't really know anything about her..."

Suddenly I realized what they were talking about. They were looking at my body being covered in old scars. I quickly looked at Lydia and Allison to see if they'd seen it. They were both looking at me like they were debating if they wanted to say something about it.

I quickly pulled my sport shirt over my head and changed my pants. The whispers only increased. Not only because they had the time, but also because not just my upper body was covered in scars. I saw that Allison and Lydia had decided to question me so I quickly dashed out on the field.

"Finally! A girl who knows how to change fast." coach exclaimed when he saw me walking on the field.

I rolled my eyes and groaned as I saw Scott and Stiles coming over to me. Scott looked worried.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I'm fucking fine." I replied.

"What happened?"

I gave him the fakest smile ever "Something I don't want to talk about." I heard the others approach behind me and sighed.

Don't these people know how to back off?

I quickly walked over to coach, leaving the others confused.

"I'm gonna run some laps." I stated and ran away before he could reply.

It would've looked weird if they followed me, right? They wouldn't do that... right?


Coach thought that it was a great idea so made the rest of the class run after me. I expected Scott and Isaac to easily catch up to me but both took more time then they should've. When Scott finally caught up to me, he looked a bit torn.

"Hey..." he said with some sort of sad sympathy.

"What did they tell you?" I said emotionless. They obviously told him something.

He gulped at my tone. "It's okay to have scars... I have one myself." he tried.

"Dude, you need to update your info."

"What do you mean?"

I stopped running. Scott immediately stopped as well. I glared at him while he just stared in confusion. Nearly the whole class passed us but obviously the 'group' stopped as well.

"What did you tell him?" I asked Lydia and Allison. Allison looked at Scott and then her feet while Lydia stared at me in disbelieve.


We ignored him and Lydia continued. "Liz, how did you get those scars?"

"Scars? Multiple?" Scott questioned and looked at Allison, who in her turn looked at the ground again.

Both Isaac and Stiles got nervous. Isaac was still coping quite good but Stiles got really nervous. Both Scott, Isaac and me looked at him. I gave him the deadliest glare I could muster while Scott only got confused.

"HEY!" coach yelled and began to jog over to us.

I tried to run off but Scott stopped me.

"Really? You wanna talk about my scars on my first full moon?" I whisper yelled since coach kept coming closer and closer.

Scott eventually released me before coach arrived.

"Liz and Scott. What the hell were you two doing?"

"I'm sorry sir. My shoe lace was loose and Scott told me about it. It's fixed now."

Coach ignored my comment and directed himself to the others "And why were you guys stopping?"

"They were just making sure that we were okay since we stopped running." I quickly added.

Coach mumbled something even I couldn't hear and said "Well fine. What are you still doing here? Go run!"

We did but Scott quickly ran next to me.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked really annoyed.

"Your heart didn't skip a beat."

Can I just point out that I'm uploading the chapter on the day of the full moon, on the day of the full moon. And that I'm gonna upload the night of the full moon, tonight...

On the full moon.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now