Ch122 - Thoughts

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I'd been wandering outside for nearly two hours. The cold air started to bug me but I kept a straight face and dug a little deeper in my scarf.

I won't go back. Not yet.

It's only logical that Derek's disappointed. Remember what happened when he needed to train you for the first time and he saw my eye color?

But this is different! He should know that there were complicated businesses around the whole murders. 

I groaned and kicked a twig. So far I'd done all the things I could think off; find a random place to sit and walk it off. The sitting didn't really work though since the lack of muscle activity left me frozen.

I could see my breath coming from my mouth every time I exhaled and to be honest, it was getting annoying. For a minute I considered going to Stiles, Allison or Lydia. Even Scott crossed my mind. But every time I pictured me standing in front of their doors, I frowned and realized that I just didn't feel like talking.

Without even realizing it, my mind wandered off to the murderess. Would I really be able to kill her? So far she's been more specialized than the targets I used to hunt. How could Peter even say that? He doesn't know shit about her. The only things we know is that she's a girl, short, is willing to dress up as anything to cover her identity, most likely uses a male deodorant brand to cover her smell, knows about the supernatural, light on her feet, fast, most likely a friendly and trustworthy face and that she's pissed because one of her targets is still breathing.

Okay that might be more than the others know but it's an easy deduction, right? The victims never screamed in advance and usually take the poison or bait with ease. How could she do that? Well you're more likely to trust a friendly face than some person with battle scars and burn marks on their face. 

And it's only logical that she knows about the supernatural. Why else would she wear that much deodorant? It wouldn't be because she liked it because the amount would also be overwhelming for a human. It wouldn't be to throw the cops off since they're usually on the scene when the smell has already left or has been overpowered by the body's fresh smell.

And she's most likely pissed that the girl she tried to drug at the party was still breathing. I'd been right that evening. The drink had been poisoned and no one died that evening. The cops were utterly confused by the lack of a new body. I even heard from Stiles that they had concluded that they should be prepared to find a body in the woods in a few days.

But Peter couldn't know that, he didn't even let Derek finish talking.

Peter knows something, doesn't he?

And what is with that Gerrit? He'd been bugging my mind ever since he left Derek's loft. When I left I'd smelled that he was gone but I had the feeling as if it had been too easy. And just as my second escape from the Netherlands had felt too easy, this too must have consequences.

But there's no way I'll work for them. 'take down the vampires and take back our home' yeah right. He's just gonna get himself killed. There is no way that that is possible and I'm not gonna die for his dreams.

I've let everyone down today... Gerrit by declining his 'offer', Peter by not giving in and causing a lot of trouble and Derek... well by just being me and fucking things up again.

Suddenly a wave of male deodorant hit my nose. My eyes slightly teared up at the sudden change of smell and the intensity that it hit me with. After a couple of seconds my nose got used to it and the tears disappeared.

I subtly scanned my surroundings without turning my head while adjusting my scarf so that it would cover my nose and mouth. Even though the scarf itself was kinda thin, it was impossible to look through it. The fabric was black with a purple mark on it, indicating that I worked for a certain vampire. My 'boss' had a purple swirling mark that was different for every employee to avoid detection but recognizable enough to see to who you belonged.

I walked normally, as if I was just any face you'd pass in the street without really looking at him or her. My eyes shot to the sides of my vision until I saw a small guy-looking person in a black hoodie turn around the corner. As soon as he'd disappeared around the corner, the smell decreased slowly.

It's her.

I subtly reached for my the hood of my vest and pulled it over my head. Back in uniform. Hood over my head to keep my eyes and hair from being seen and scarf covering my nose to avoid any further detection.

I turned around the corner. Now let's do something productive. 

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