Ch63 - Second try

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We had the same routine after school as we did at the first full moon. Stiles drove me, Scott and Isaac to the abandoned subway station. Just like last time, I had to sit in the back with Isaac way too close for my comfort. I was getting better at distracting myself in situations like this but it was still hard.

"You're already shifting?" Isaac asked me half asking half stating.

"No." I simply replied not feeling like talking.

"We can hear your heartbeat. It's going pretty fast." Scott kept pushing.

"Can you guys shut up? Or at least... not talk to me?" I snapped at them. It might be better to just tell them then to go after them later on when I actually do shift.

They were both taken back by my comment but they did stop talking.

Oliver was already there when we walked in the abandoned building. He sat against the wall with some sort of gloomy and angry aura around him. It seemed worse than last time but last time I hadn't really payed much attention to him before trying to rip his throat out.

I saw that both Derek and Peter were absent.

Scott and Stiles began to discuss some tactics for their lacrosse game tomorrow. Not soon after they began, Isaac stepped in with a way more logical tactic. I shook my head at their stupidity and walked over to Oliver. 

Something was wrong with him. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and his head hid in his arms. 

"Oliver?" I said a bit less confident than I was going for. 

He didn't answer. 

"Uhm... Is something- No, what's wrong?" I asked him.

His whole posture changed to even more gloomy. "I..." he said having trouble with the words. "I got fired."

Ah shit. How do you respond to that?

"It's all Peter's fault. If he hadn't bit me... if he just hadn't... made me in this monster..." he said. I could hear him getting angrier by the second. 

I quickly looked at the others to see if they were paying attention. Isaac and Stiles were still happily chatting but I saw that Scott was looking at us.

"It might be for the best." I said. I needed to calm him down but I was so bad at social situations.

"For the best..." he said and gave some sort of humorless creepy laugh that got even my heartbeat to rise a bit.

"Yeah. You're job was stressfull, right? You'll be able to find a better one. With colleagues that won't judge you."

I heard him growl. His heartbeat was beating really fast now. "Of course you know about that. You always do that, don't you? You listen in on everything around you. You're a fucking creep. Did you know that?" He growled at me. 

His comment actually made my heartbeat go down. Something I was grateful for since I didn't wanted to make this situation any worse by me suddenly wanting to rip him apart. But Oliver noticed.

"Oh was that calming for you? Getting insulted gets your heartbeat down? You're fucking weird." he said. "You're all fucking weird. Why did I get myself into this!" he began to shake his head "No. I didn't get myself into this. Peter did. Where is he?!" he shouted and jumped up.

Oliver had shifted a while ago but was hiding his claws and face from view. As soon as Oliver saw me, he jumped at me. I tried to step back but he had the advantage of taking me by surprise. 

We fell back and my head hit the concrete. I blinked once to get my vision to get back to normal. Oliver wasted no time and immediately began to slash me open. I tried so hard to focus on shifting but it wouldn't work.

Within seconds, Oliver was launched off me. Scott stood next to me while watching Oliver's movements.

I groaned out of annoyance when I pulled myself up. The cuts on my stomach and arms hurt, but they were healing. Isaac was already at my side helping me up.

"I'm fine, just get Oliver." I said as I pushed myself on my legs and walked to the side of the room. 

I heart two people running inside. When I looked up I saw Peter and Derek. "Dammit." I muttered, knowing that Oliver had seen his target. I wanted to help but I couldn't get myself to turn.

The fighting around me began. It wasn't even close to a fair fight though. I leaned against the wall, looking at my entertainment. Oliver was easily distracted by Isaac's moves and easily defeated by Scott.

I shook my head. He could've at least tried to learn how to fight.

Derek walked up to me when he saw that the others had Oliver under control.

"You okay there?" he said while pointing at my ripped bloodied shirt.

"Ah shit, I'm gonna have to replace that shirt." I groaned.

"Yeah, you're fine."

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now