Ch12 - Blue eyes

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I stayed in the loft for the rest of the day. Derek was mad at Peter for turning me but eventually accepted the fact. Peter left to do some stuff I wasn't allowed to know and Derek stayed behind to watch me.

"Why are you watching me?"

Derek looked up from the book he'd been reading and walked over to me.

"Because you're a new werewolf. We don't know how you'll react."

"Okay, but why would I run?"

He tilted his head slightly like he was thinking about something. "Why would you not?"

"I have my reasons."

For example: I can't go anywhere else and they seem to know how to be a werewolf. I might be able to learn some tricks from them.

Derek nodded at my answer and stared at me

"Do you know why you smell different?"

"How do I smell different?"

"You used to smell like a human, but less. It's like your scent isn't as strong. Well of course, now you smell werewolf."

"Am I also able to smell the difference now?" I asked interested.

"Yes, it will get stronger over the first few days."

"What does a werewolf smell like..." I whispered to myself. 

Derek stood up and pulled me from the couch. He pulled me into a hug. I stiffened up. I wasn't used to getting hugged. I breathed in and his smell filled my nostrils. It was some sort of nice warm scent. I liked it.

About three seconds passed and he pushed me back again.

"That's what a werewolf smells like." he said and walked back to his book. I sat back down on the couch.

"Do you have a laptop or computer?" I asked after a minute of silence.

"Why?" he asked wearily.

"My job. It requires a computer."

He nodded and gave me a small laptop. It wasn't like my old one but it would do the job.

"Thanks." I mumbled and began to program.

A few hours passed. Derek did nothing else than reading and occasionally checking his phone and I did nothing else then programming.

It began to get darker outside. I noticed that I wasn't as blind as I was before in the dark. Everything was easier to see.

Suddenly I heard the door open. I turned around and saw Isaac standing in the door opening.

Oh right, he's also a werewolf.

"So what did I miss?" he asked nonchalantly as he walked in.

"Peter bit her. She survived the bite." Derek answered.

"What?! He turned her?" he said in shock. Derek nodded. Isaac sighed and shook his head. "Well, I'm here because of Scott."

I tensed up but told myself to calm down. He wouldn't just randomly attack me here, right?

"They wanted to apologize for kidnapping you but you kinda vanished. I heard that Derek found you so... I'm the messenger."

"They want to say sorry for kidnapping you?" I said sarcastically.

Isaac grinned "I like her. Anyway, should I tell them that she's here?" he asked Derek.

"No." I answered quickly.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now