Ch35 - Wait

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Dedicated to djdj21 for recognizing me when I commented on her story. You seriously made my day.

Derek's POV

The room was dead silent. The only thing that we could hear were our beating hearts and irregular breaths. Allison had some tears running over her face and Stiles looked like he was about to cry again.

"So we just... wait?" Isaac said disbelieving "Isn't there something we can... do?"

I walked over to Peter to see if he was still alive. He was slumped down on the couch but breathing steadily. His heart was slower than normal, indicating that he was asleep. 

With Isaac's help we put Peter in a more comfortable position on the couch.

"Did you guys even found anything in the beastiary?" I asked them while walking back to Liz.

Isaac and Allison both looked guilty at their feet.

"Well..." Allison began.

"At first I couldn't tell her so I had to sneak around it... but that took too much time and I got called back..." Isaac said.

"Yeah and when Scott called me... You guys told me that my friend was dying! I kinda freaked out and wasn't thinking anymore." Allison said distressed.

"So where is it?" I asked.

"Still at my house."

I groaned. "We need it." I stated. "We need to know what did this."

I looked at Liz. She was breathing steadily and I knew that she wasn't in pain anymore. She looked so tiny, like you just wanted to help even though you know you can't.

"We'll get it." Scott said.

I didn't turn around and heard them leave. Four heartbeats remained; Peter's, Liz's, Isaac's and mine.

I sat down on my bed next to Liz. I lightly touched her shoulder and tested if she was still in pain. Nothing happened, which was good, but I still felt bad for not being able to do something.

"You like her, don't you?" Isaac said behind me.

"And why would you think that?"

"Your family member is lying unconscious on the couch and you choose to stay with the girl."

I had to think about a comeback for a second. "Liz had it worse."

"You like her." Isaac stated amused.

I turned around and gave him the best are-you-seriously-gonna-go-through-with-this-because-I-might-kill-you-if-you-continue look. He threw his hands up in surrender and slowly backed off sarcastically.

He was wrong. I don't like Liz that way. She just needs someone to help her with the whole blue eyes situation. A lot of guilt comes with blue eyes. I don't want her to end up like Peter.

Why don't I? It's not like she's been a close friend for years. I barely know Liz.

Shut up brain.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now