Ch106 - Reliving the past

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"Dammit." I muttered under my breath as we neared the murder scene Isaac told us about. I should've thought about the fact that the cops would be here!

"Don't worry about it. I saw where he was heading. We'll just follow his trail and you might get lucky and catch his scent. Although I have to admit that I think that it's too late for that."

"It has nothing to do with luck. It's about skill."

In the corner of my eye I saw Stiles's dad talking to one of his colleagues. We decided to sneak past them since we didn't wanted to have to answer questions about why we were here. "Hey Isaac, who knows that I'm back?"

Isaac followed my gaze as we sneaked past the cops. "I don't know if he knows. I think he does but I'm not sure. As for the others, I'm sure everyone in the pack knows- no wait, Peter might not know. He has been out of town for the past few days. A 'business trip' he called it. God knows what kind of business." He paused for just a moment and we continued to walk normally instead of sneaking "Have you re-applied to school yet?"


"Are you gonna?"


"When are you gonna?"

"I don't know."

"What happened in Holland?"

My eyes shot up at his question while I kept my head down as I'd been walking before. He looked at me with some concern clear on his face. He wanted to know. They all wanted to know. 

"A lot of things happened."

I didn't wanted them to know. Just as I didn't wanted them to know about my initial scars when I came here the first time. They'd treat me differently. The only difference between now and then is that back then the only difference would be that they would start to treat me like a wounded puppy. I fear what they'd think of me this time.

Isaac's mouth became a thin line but didn't press the subject. Isaac showed me the street the killer took off in. I carefully scanned the street like they'd taught me back in Holland. 

"Make sure you see every detail, waste of space." Carver said with a smug grin.

I had already grown accustom to my new name. Carver was the one who came up with it. He almost got caught for it though. Only last week a teacher came to us asking about it. He'd easily shoved it on me and made it very clear that I should come up with something. I'd answered with a simple "It's just an inside joke." and finished my lie by smiling. She'd bought it and left us alone.

"So whaddya see, waste of space?" he asked getting more and more impatient. Oh god. I can't let him lose his temper.

I quickly focused on the empty-looking alley in front of me. You wouldn't say that there was anything weird with it until you REALLY looked. I switched to my blue eyes and looked around. The door leading to the garden of the house next to us seemed to be slightly opened. My nose caught the scent of some dried blood and, after squinting my eyes, I noticed some scratches on the door.

"Waste of space, I don't have all day. You're too slow-"

"He came through here. He probably went through that door-" A sharp sting, followed by a numbed feeling reached my cheek as I reached up to see if it was bleeding. He always did that. I wasn't allowed to cut him off. But cutting him off would still be better than failing my task by running out of time. I learned that the hard way.

Carver looked at me like I was stupid and pushed me towards the door. "Then gooo. What are you waiting for? Go and catch me this dude. He owes me. And you know what happens to the people who owe me, don't you?"

An involuntary shiver went up my spine and I quickly nodded, making sure not to make eye contact. He'd forbidden that.

"So can you catch his scent?" Isaac asked but I was too far in my memories to hear him. 

"Liiiiz?" he tried again and gently poked my arm. 

Out of reflex my arm shot back and my free hand pinned his arm behind his back. I could hear and feel his arm snap. Isaac screamed out in pain and I quickly released him.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" I said while holding his arm back in position as it began to heal itself.

"Ah fuck! Why did you do that?!"

"Shh! The cops are nearby. And I-uh... You startled me."

"So you break my arm?!"


Isaac groaned again as I saw and heard the last pieces of his arm grow back together. In the distance I could hear someone approaching. Isaac obviously hadn't heard it yet. Could it be the killer? It wouldn't make sense. Why would he stick around the murder scene? That's just asking for trouble. Then again it's also strategic. Find out what they cops find out about you before moving on. Carver would've also done that. He actually-

"Who's there?!" I heard Mr Stilinski shout.

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