Ch8 - Broken trust

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Yesterday I had an appointment with my first customer. It went great. She knew what she wanted from her website and I knew how to make it. We'd agreed on 300 dollar for the website. I'd instantly begun to program and ended up having less than four hours of sleep and no homework done.

When Stiles woke me the morning after I cursed myself for doing it. Even though I knew I would be doing the same thing this evening. 

School was okay. At least I finally got a bag to put everything in and a notebook to take notes... Oh let's face it. I was having an awesome time in America. I had something I could call home, I had stuff to wear which didn't even had holes in it, I had a job. But the best of all, something I didn't have back home, I had friends.

During the day I got a bit uneasy. It felt like someone was watching me. I kept glancing around but I couldn't see anyone acting suspicious. Well, except for Scott.

Seriously, what was this guys problem? He kept trying to get close to me and one time I caught him trying to sniff me. That isn't even normal in America... right?

It was just after my last period. The ball rang and I headed for my locker. A shitload of students bumped into me but I pushed through. When I'd finally arranged my books I saw Stiles heading towards me.

"Hi." I said when he reached me.

"Hey, I was wondering. Scott has this friend-get-together thing tonight. Do you want to come?" He asked in a normal friendly way.

I thought about it. I mean sure, I like being friends with Stiles and he's Scott's best friend and all... but the guy creeps me out. Why would he keep trying to stand so close to me. Like geez, he has a girlfriend for gods sake!

"I'd love to but I have this site that I'm working on and I really need to work on that. So sorry but no." I lied convincingly.

"Ah come on, everyone will be there." Stiles persuaded.

"I really can't make it, sorry."

Stiles nodded his head and changed the subject. 

"Hey I still have to talk to a teacher before we go, so I'll let you in my car and I'll be out in a few minutes, Okay?"

"Orrrr, you could give me the keys and save yourself some time."

"Yeah right, and risk getting left behind while you steal my jeep? No way!"

"Dude, I can't drive. Remember?"

"Oh right..." he said and gave me the keys.

I walked to the car and waited for him to come back. It wasn't long before he appeared at the door. I watched him walk over to his car. I don't know why, but this town was doing strange things to my trust. Normally I would've trusted Stiles with nearly everything but it felt like he was hiding things from me. Just a few seconds after Stiles had left the school building, 'our' friends left.

But that wasn't the weird thing. It was that they were all looking a bit secretive and some were stealing glances at Stiles's jeep, where I was in.

Something is up.

When Stiles entered the car I instantly took my chance.

"Am I really that different from everyone else here?" I asked without hinting.

"What? No you're not. Why?"

"So I don't do any abnormal weird stuff?"

"Not more than the usual teenager. Why?"

"Why do your friends hate me..." I muttered half to myself.

"What? They don't hate you. They just don't know you like I do."

I nodded even though I wasn't satisfied with his answer.

We drove home and to keep my lie up, I started programming right away. Don't get me wrong, there was still a lot of stuff to do. I just wasn't planning on continuing right away. Stiles went upstairs to get ready for this whole friend thingy. I was left at the kitchen table.

A few hours passed by and before I knew it, it was already getting a bit darker outside. I didn't remember if Stiles had left the house yet but I also didn't feel like checking it.

I got up and went to the cupboard to get a glass of water.

It was very quiet in the house until I heard the floor creak behind me. I tried to turn around but two strong arms kept me from moving. A piece of cloth with some sort of weird smell was being shoved under my nose. I tried to fight back but my muscles weren't responding.

My dad must've found me! I need to escape!

I fought as hard as I could but the two arms got help. I managed to turn around and saw that Stiles was trying to kidnap me.



I thought I could trust you...

I tried to push him away but his friend Scott came to aid him. 

My eyelids became heavy and before I could do anything about it I fell to the ground.

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