Ch138 - Scallison

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Allison's pov

Jaylah was the first one to jump into action when shit went down.

We hadn't even seen it coming! I'd been keeping an eye on Scott after we found weird bruises on his back and wrists but other than that nothing dangerous had happened.

About half a minute ago something weird did happen; Liz began to smile in a disturbing way. As soon as she'd started, Derek's nose began to bleed. Deaton had convinced us that it wasn't too late yet and they could still push on so we just kept our eyes on them.

But then it happened. Out of nowhere, Derek began to gasp for air. As if he couldn't breath anymore.

Since nothing had been out of the ordinary, we were all caught off guard. Every one of us needed a second for our brains to process what was happening. By the time we'd jumped up, Jaylah had already reached Scott and pulled his claws out of the others's necks.

As soon as the connection was gone, all three of them became limp for just a second. Scott and Jaylah fell backwards, since she couldn't hold Scott's weight, and Derek and Liz both fell forwards off the couch. Derek and Liz both caught themselves before they hit the floor but from the dull thud I heard, Scott wasn't as lucky.

I quickly jogged to the other side of the couch to see if Scott was alright. He looked a bit dazed but other than that he seemed to be okay. A small smile of relief appeared on my face as I helped Scott and Jaylah up.

"Is Derek okay?" Scott asked as soon as I'd lifted him.

"Yeah he is. I mean... I think he is. Why? What happened?"

Scott shook his head with an confused expression. "Liz... She killed him."

"She did what?" I asked shocked. I knew that Liz could be dangerous but I didn't think that she'd turn on us. And on Derek of all people.

In the background I heard Liz muttering "I'm sorry." on repeat until Derek spoke up. He slowly pushed himself on his feet and looked at the ground while slowly rubbing his neck.

"It's fine. It wasn't you." he said a bit less confident than usual. I guess that would only be logical since he did just... die.

"Did it work?" Lydia asked.

Scott shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Well you must've found something, right?" Isaac argued as he crossed his arms.

I saw Scott debate something. A look I'd seen a couple of times before. He sucks at lying and keeping secrets. What would he be keeping from us? It wouldn't be anything major, right?

"Derek and I got separated. I wandered through the halls for a while but eventually ran into two faceless guys. They fought unlike anything I'd ever seen which threw me off. They managed to capture me." Scott paused again and shifted his gaze "There were a couple of people in the room with me but I couldn't understand them."

"Those were... the people I used to work for a few weeks ago." Liz said as she stared at the ground in shame. "What did it sound like?"

"You don't remember?" Scott asked with pure confusion on his face.

Liz shook her head. "I only remember vague outlines and the general idea of what happened. As if I was dreaming."

"Well you appeared in the doorway at one point. I said your name but it was as if no one could hear me. You said something like..."

Liz nodded her head as if she remembered that. "It means intruder. I remember notifying them that there was an intruder... besides you."

"Oh that's why they kept asking me things." Scott mumbled and shook his head "Anyway, not five minutes passed until you came back while dragging Derek's unconscious body behind you."

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