Ch144 - Hagelslag

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"I swear I already paid them back!" my future victim begged as he cowered in the corner of his bedroom.

I shook my head. I didn't care how he'd take it. It wasn't like I'd been informed with all the details. To me it didn't matter if he'd paid it or not, to me all that mattered is that he used to have a bodyguard standing outside of his house, that he had surveillance camera's and, of course, the fact that he was still breathing.

"Please! I can give you anything! Everything! I-I can give you money! Loads of it! Just please don't kill me!" he begged again as I approached him.

I shook my head again. There's no way he'd get out of this. You have to read the terms before you agree to do business. And if you don't listen to the rules, then there'll be consequences. 

The guy grabbed the first thing he saw, which was the bible on his nightstand, and threw it at me in an attempt to get away. Before he could run, I grabbed the back of his shirt. He tried to wriggle himself free but before he could do anything else, I cut his throat.

His hands shot to his neck as he fell to his knees. He kept making gurgling noises until that, along with the sound of his heartbeat, stopped.

I pulled out the phone I'd been given and made a picture. All that was left now was escaping the scene. 


"I left everything like you told me to." I answered Carver while looking at his feet. "Not one loose end."

"Good. There's just one more thing you need to do before you can call it a night." he said with a certain humor in his voice. "Walk my dog."

I nodded and got everything I needed. When I'd first seen Carver at the party, he was in a private room with some of his confidants. Things had gotten heated pretty quickly and before I knew it they'd ordered their dogs to attack me. The first thing they'd done was rip a tiny piece of the dress, which is exactly why I'm working for them. I'd ripped the dress, therefor I had to pay it back. As long as I don't accept anything else from them, I'll be okay. It is getting harder with them making me walk to the kitchen four times per day. They'd already offered me food but I kept declining it.

I'd backed off until I was cornered and as last resort growled back at the dogs. Ever since then the dogs seemed to be okay with me. Something that Carver loved to exploit and joke about since I apparently feel the most at home with the dogs. 

 This isn't good. I thought as I stepped outside with Carver's dog Bandit. I was already late because of that last job but now I'll definitely get it when I go home.

Maybe I can just stay outside tonight...

Nah I'll freeze to death. Possibly literally.

 Bandit stuck his nose in the air as if he'd sniffed something. I quickly did the same and found out why.

"Bandit you're not getting those chocolate sprinkled sandwiches." I huffed annoyed as I pulled him away from the bushes. Some times kids would throw their lunch in the bushes making them very interesting for dogs. "You can't even have chocolate. You'll die, stupid."

Tomorrow that woman will talk to me again. I really hope that Stiles and Derek aren't waiting on her report since I know that, if I do it correctly, she won't notice a thing. It's not like I can suddenly tell her everything that's happening. She, just like everyone else at school, thinks that Carver and his crew are my friends. And I can't really go up to her and tell her that they're my employers and that they're making me kill people who are in debt by them.

I finished my round and ran as fast as possible home. I knew that whatever would happen tonight, it would be bad. Because of Bandit's extra long walk I'd completely missed dinner. My only hope was that he'd lock me out. Something that I knew that he wouldn't do since the neighbors would talk.

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