Ch68 - Hit a nerve

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Without warning, Allison shot from her hiding spot and opened the door. I wanted to yell at her for this strategic failure of hers but decided to wait it out.

"Oh hi sweetie." a woman's voice said.

Allison breathed relieved. "Oh hi mom."

I also turned around the corner since I could hear that Allison wasn't nervous anymore. Her mom was scary. She had some sort of weird crazy look which I just couldn't get. I made a mental note to stay away from her.

"I didn't know that you'd be home." Allison explained as she got us something to drink. "This is Liz."

"Hello." I said awkwardly. Allison's mom looked a bit scowling at me and disappointed in Allison. Did I do something wrong? Should I have said 'Hello miss' in stead of just 'hello'? Was that considered rude in America?

My thoughts were interrupted by Allison answering her mothers glare. "She hasn't killed anyone."

"All werewolves kill eventually." she replied as she walked away.

"Don't mind my mom," Allison said as she gave me a glass of juice "She just doesn't like it that I hang out with werewolves."

"She's right though." I said shrugging as I took a sip.

"No she's not. You don't have to kill just because you can. I believe that you can suppress it."

What if I don't want to?

I quickly took an other sip and made sure that my expression wasn't readable. Having thoughts like that in this house, would most definitely get me killed. 

I followed Allison to her room. At first we talked about the ramdomest things we could come up with but after a while it got a bit more serious.

"So how have you been?" she asked. I looked at her with confusion all over my face. "Uh... normal?"

I eyed her suspiciously. "Why?"

"Well you've been a bit more distant lately..."

"Correction, I've always been that distant."

"Well you shouldn't be. Being alone is bad."

Being alone is bad? "I couldn't even be alone in Beacon Hills. There are way too many people here that actually give a shit." I said getting a bit angry.

Allison didn't notice it because she was playing with the edge of her shirt. "Everyone gets lonely."

I quickly stood up, startling Allison in the process. "Yes. I know. I've had that for the first 17 years of my life."

"Oh... I'm sorry" she quickly said. Her heart began to pound a little faster and she looked like she was ready to run.

"What? You think that I'm gonna turn?" I said jokingly. When she didn't answer I got really pissed off "You seriously think I'm gonna turn?!"

She got up from the bed she was sitting on and got in a defensive position, ready to run. "Well you are getting really pissed off and I know how things are going with the full moon-"

"I don't even turn by anger!"

"What?" she asked confused.

"I'm out. I'll find the door on my own."

"No! wait Liz-" she said as she tried to follow me but I closed the door before she could reach me.

Allison's house was pretty big. I was lost in thoughts when she walked us to her room so obviously I got lost. I kept my head with me though. For example, there is no reason for me to open a random door and accidentally walk into a bedroom or bathroom. I'm just looking for the stairs.

I heard someone approach and quickly hid. I did not feel like running into Allison and having to face the fact that I couldn't even find the front door.

As the footsteps got closer, I realized that it wasn't Allison's scent or sound; it was her mom's. I silently hid myself even better. If I were to get caught by her, what would she do? How far would she go? 

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz