Ch147 - Kids and questions

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Awesome video about Derek and how I see him.

"Playing ninja isn't about beating each other up." I said as the twins glared at each other. "it's about uh... Hide and seek."

"That's not twue!" Alex shouted as he looked up at me "Ninja's can beat up everyone they see!"

"That's why you were losing! You're not a gwood ninja!" Allison snapped causing Alex to growl at her.

"I am a gwood ninja! I'll show you!" he shouted as he tried to jump to his sister. I quickly grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him back without much effort.

"Let me gooo!" Alex whined as Allison started laughing at him.

"Why don't we play something else?" Derek suggested as he nudged Allison. Alex stopped pulling and I released his shirt.

"No! I don't want to play something else! I am the best ninja!"

"No I am!"

I looked at Derek who simply scratched his head. We both knew that no matter what we would do, they wouldn't give up. So instead, I started laughing. Alex and Allison stopped glaring at each other and looked up at me in confusion. "You two think you can beat the best ninja? You two don't even stand a chance against me."

"I can beat you!" Alex bragged as he puffed out his chest.

"No I can!" Allison said as she jumped forward.

"Pshh prove it. Trainingsroom. Now." I bragged. Allison and Alex both excitedly ran off to the trainingsroom that they'd undoubtedly found by exploring rooms they weren't supposed to be in by now.

I followed them but before I'd even left the room, Derek grabbed me by my arm and stopped me. I glanced up in confusion. This was a good plan, right? Once they saw that they couldn't beat me, they'd stop and want to do something else.

Derek looked at me with a slightly worried expression. "Are you sure that this is a good idea? Two little kids trying to fight you on the full moon and all?"

"Derek I'm fine. I won't shift tonight."

"Are you absolutely sure? We can't have you attacking two little kids."

"Seriously. I'm fine."

Derek sighed silently and released me. I knew that he was still against the idea but I knew that I wasn't going to change. I didn't shift last time. I won't shift now.

Sure the situation had been different back then but I was confident that I'd found something easy enough to hold me back.


"You don't get a lot of guests, do you?" I commented as I followed Peter into his living room. It was a small apartment. maybe even smaller then mine back in South-America.

Peter simply glared at me and got himself something to drink while I made myself at home. I plopped on the couch and shoved with my feet some papers off his little coffee table to make room for my feet.

"Okay so what's the deal with this Liz? She's weird." I asked knowing that Peter could hear me.

"Define 'weird'." he answered with his usual vague answer as he walked in with two cups and a bottle of tequila. He glared at me for making an even bigger mess. I simply smiled at him to show that I couldn't care less.

"Well for one, she has an accent. For two, she doesn't talk much. For three, she was arrested for murder."

"In that order, huh? Well I see that you've got your priorities straight." Peter commented to which he earned a glare from me. "Hmm yes it appears that my dear nephew has fallen for a mass murdering immigrant with severe mental issues."

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now