Page 1: Just the Beginning:

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After a long car ride from New Jersey to Maine, Dream got out of the car while her mom headed to get Henry from Granny, who typically watched the two when Regina had business to attend to. Dream headed up to her room, laying down on the bed. She looked up to the white ceiling that had glow-in-the-dark stars on it. She sighed to herself, sitting up as she prompted herself to look around her childhood bedroom. She had pastel purple walls and a wooden floor that was always cold in the mornings on her feet. She had a theme of apples, just like every single room in her house. Regina had always loved apples, including her apple tree out in the garden. She sighed, getting up to look at the desk with pictures of her, her family, and a few friends. Dream picked up a photo of Daniel holding her when she was little. Regina talked about Dream's father, but he died of a heart attack when she was only a baby. Dream didn't feel like she looked like Daniel. I mean, she had brown eyes like her mother, but they had a hint of green in them. She looked a lot like her mother, but she felt she didn't look anything like Daniel besides the hair color.


Dream turned to look at the door, seeing Sheriff Graham Humbert. Graham has always been like a father to Dream and Henry, having to help raise the two of them. "Your mother wanted me to tell you that dinner was ready," Graham said when Dream nodded, sitting the frame down before heading downstairs.

Once she left the room, the frame on the desk's picture changed to a picture of Graham holding Dream. It was like magic changed it. But Dream did not notice.

The next day, Dream was sitting at the dining room table. She was eating her favorite strawberry pancakes when she watched her little brother, Henry, reading a big, old-looking book. 

"So? What fairytale are you reading today?" Dream asked when she picked up her orange juice. Henry had been reading that book for a few days. It was full of fairytales. 

"Snow White and her prince," Henry said, still reading, while he took a bit of his pancake.

"Oh... That seems to be your favorite story." Dream chuckled when Henry looked up at her. 

"What's your favorite story, Dreamy?" Henry asked when Dream shrugged, taking another bite of her pancakes. 

"Umm... Well, I always read you the story of Peter Pan when you were little. You always wanted to fly like the Darlings." Dream chuckled when Henry smiled at her.

"Henry? You're gonna be late for school. Come on." Regina said, rushing into the kitchen while putting her earrings in. 

"Coming," Henry said when he closed his book, putting it in his backpack, before putting his bowl in the sink. 

"Hey, kiddo? Can I borrow that book?" Dream asked when Henry stopped before smiling at his sister. He took the book out, placing it on the counter. 

"Yeah..." Henry smiled before rushing to get his shoes on.

"Dream, honey... Please put in a load of laundry before you leave for work. At this rate, we'll need to get a maid." Regina said, grabbing her keys from the counter and kissing the top of Dream's head. 

"Will do, Momma." Dream said, grabbing more berries out when Regina walked out to meet Henry by the car.

Once she heard the door close, Dream moved to clean up the kitchen. She headed upstairs to change into a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. She returned downstairs to grab the book before heading to her car. Mr. Gold, the infamous town pawnbroker whom the town was scared of, had gotten her when she turned sixteen. She didn't question it because Mr. Gold had always seemed to have a soft spot for Dream. He just seemed lonely. No family, no friends. Everyone was just scared of him.

Dream drove to the graveyard, where she headed every morning. She glanced around at the tombstones when she walked out to the cemetery. There were not many of them, but Dream kept walking until she saw the big vault. It belonged to her mother. It was destined for Regina's father, Henry. Next to the vault was Daniel's grave. She sighed when she leaned on the tree that was really close to his grave. She set her bag down when she pulled out her diary and Henry's book. 

"No diary entry today, Dad... But Henry let me borrow his book, and I wanted to read it instead. He seems to really love it." Dream smiled, looking at the tombstone. "Okay, let's see. What story will I open it to?" Dream smiled when she opened the book, seeing a story about the Evil Queen. "Once upon a time, Regina, before her real story began, was riding on her horse while her father watched, encouraging her..." Dream began to read, looking at the old-fashioned words on the page, when she started to feel light-headed. ""Yes," her father exclaimed, smiling proudly as Regina led her horse to jump over the small, wooden obstacle. She continued to steer her horse through a few more obstacles until she stopped." Dream continued to read, but her head began to pound. She couldn't help the splitting pain when she closed the book. "I'm sorry, Dad... This may have to be a short visit." She sighed when her eyes felt sensitive to the sun directly shining on her. 

Dream sighed, picking up Henry's book and putting it in her bag before standing up to drive back home. She must be getting a cold or something.

As Dream started to head towards her car, her vision started to become blurry. Suddenly, it went black. And to anyone who was around would have seen her collapse onto the grass, nearly hitting her head on a tombstone engraved with the name "Destiny."

~984 words~

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