Page 57: Possessions and Patients:

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"Nervous?" Regina asked, breaking the silence in the car as she drove with her mother.

"Not about owning up to what I've done. It's just, these carriages are strange..." Cora chuckled, looking at Regina, who kept her eyes on the road. "And something's irritating me. Oh." Cora said, pretending to be shocked when she pulled the craft she had taken out of Henry's room. "Oh, "For Mommy." That used to be you." Cora smiled, looking at the craft.

"When were you in my house?" Regina asked, worried because Dream was supposed to be in bed.

"I haven't had the pleasure." Cora lied, still looking at the rock. "That was in my house. You think I don't know where that was? It's one of my most treasured possessions, along with the glittered jewelry box Dream made when she was little." Regina scoffed when she looked away from her mother, back on the road.

"Well, let's be honest. Taking me to be pilloried by the town might gain you some points, but as long as Emma and her parents are here, he's not really yours. Not like he was when he made things for his one and only Mommy. And you might think you're safe with Dream, but I wager she found out who her real father is... Along with the thought of possibly running off to be with some pirate who's captured her heart." Cora continued, making Regina sigh to herself when she took a minute to process the last part of what her mother told her. "You've been too bad for too long, and now they see you as a snake. You don't want their love at all. What do you want?" Cora asked, looking at Regina, who was biting the inside of her bottom lip to keep from saying something to her mother. Something that she might regret, seeing as she was trying to change for her children.

"My children." Regina sighed when she pulled the car over to the nearest parking spot in front of The Rabbit Hole

"And I want my daughter back. I meant everything I said earlier. I am so sorry. I can do better. I won't push you away again. Let me into your heart. Together we can get Henry back again and get Dream to come around." Cora smiled, watching Regina tear up before they hugged each other. "How?" Regina asked her mother. "I have a few thoughts," Cora smirked to herself.

*Back at the Hospital*

Ruby and Whales walked in while the others waited in the waiting room. "You're back..." Mary Margaret said, standing up when Emma followed. "Finally." Emma sighed when Dream stirred awake, waking up from sleeping on David's shoulder.

"I don't know why everyone's so worried. I was just stretching my legs." Whales said, shrugging it off like there was not a guy dying in the operating room. "Now, I'm gonna go do this thing." Whales said, walking off to get prepped for surgery.

*One Long Surgery Later*

"He's going to make it?" David asked Whales.

"He's got some recuperating ahead of him. A few weeks maybe, but, yes, he's going to live." Whales smiled, nodding at them when David moved to pat his back. "Thank goodness." Mary Margaret smiled when Whales turned to look at her. "Or me..." Whales smirked smugly.

"Telling you right now, this will come to no good," Leroy said when Dream looked between them. "Quiet, Leroy," David said when he did not want to think about that right now.

"I want to talk to him," Emma said to Whales, holding a cup of coffee since it was really late.

"He's waking up, now." Whales said, causing the group to furrow their brows. "Already?" Ruby asked him, sounding surprised. "I waited a couple hours to tell you in case he, you know, keeled over, but so far, so good." Whales said as the group nodded, understanding why he waited.

"All right, then." Mary Margaret nodded, looking at David. "Let's talk to him," David said, causing Emma to scoff at her parents.

"We're not talking to him as a group. We're not a group sheriff." Emma said, causing her parents to look at her. "But we've been doing this together." Mary Margaret smiled optimistically at her daughter. "We're trying to convince this guy this place is normal. In a normal town, the sheriff goes in and asks a few questions. She doesn't bring her parents in with her." Emma said, watching her mother sigh to herself.

"That's probably true..." David said to his wife, who put a small smile on her face, looking at Emma.

"We'll be right here, then." Mary Margaret smiled when Emma handed her coffee cup to Leroy before heading to Greg's room.

After a few minutes, Emma walked back to the group and Whales. "He didn't see nothing?" Leroy asked, being the first to speak up. "Free and clear." Emma smiled as the group sighed in relief.

"Good." Mary Margaret smiled out of relief.

"Now, maybe things can calm down for ten minutes, and we can catch our breath," David said, smiling at the group when Dream sighed to herself. "Seems too good to be true. But everything, since the curse broke, has been one thing after another." Dream said when she looked at the other ones, who seemed to agree with her.

~season 2, episode 12: "The Outsider"~

~876 words~

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