Page 52: Chaos at the Town Line:

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After having a nightmare about a crash on the town line, Dream called Emma, telling her something was wrong. Dream drove, following Graham's old sheriff's car, fearing the worse. She wouldn't think anything about having a nightmare, but that was before her dreams seemed too realistic.

"Who are you? What's going on?" Belle asked, looking scared and in pain. 

"Belle..." Gold tried to calm her down, but she did not remember who he was because she went over the town line with Gold's potion. Hook winced in pain from his side, while Belle winced from the pain in her shoulder. "No, no. Let me." Gold said, seeing her in pain. "Let me... All better. Good." He said, using his magic to heal the bullet wound.

"How did you do that?" Belle asked, not remembering anything about magic.

"It's nothing to be afraid of..." He tried to reassure her. "Get away!" She yelled out of fear. "Belle, please..." He kept trying, but she was backing up from fear.

"What are you?" She asked when David rushed over to them while Dream got out of her car. Her stomach dropped, seeing the wreck, just how she saw it in her nightmare. "Are you okay?" David asked, looking at Gold and Belle.

"I'm at the town line. Two people down. Maybe three..." Emma sighed, calling for medical assistance. "There's a car pretty banged up with Pennsylvania plates." Emma described to the person from the hospital.

"What's going on?" David asked, helping Gold stand while Mary Margaret rushed over to them. "She crossed over the line. She doesn't remember..." Gold explained as Emma looked over to the car, seeing a man inside, but he was unconscious, lying on the steering wheel.

Dream walked over when she noticed Hook lying on the ground. "Hey, beautiful." He greeted, looking up at Dream, but he winced in pain, holding his side. "Here, I didn't think you noticed. Ah!" Hook went to say, but Dream knelt down, checking his side, making him wince from the pain again.

"Your ribs are broken." Dream said when Emma walked over to them.

"Well, that must be why it hurts when I laugh... Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant..." Hook said, moving to sit up to look over at Gold, despite the pain. "Just like Milah, crocodile, when you took her from me." Hook said, trying to stand up when Gold walked over.

"But you took her first." Gold said, kicking Hook back to the ground.

"Gold! Are you insane?" Emma exclaimed, helping Dream stand, holding her back. "Yes, I am!" He yelled, trying to choke Hook with his cane. 

David rushed over, trying to pull Gold back. "You can't do this," David said, struggling to move Gold off of Hook. "I can if you let me." Gold fought when Dream stood behind Emma. "You don't want her to see that." Emma tried to say to him, still holding Dream back.

"I'm a stranger to her." Gold scoffed when he glanced at Emma before turning back to Hook, whose face was gonna red from Gold trying to choke him.

"I meant your daughter," Emma said when Dream looked at her. How did Emma know that? Dream wondered to herself. "Murder is a bad impression for her." Emma continued to say while David still struggled to get Gold off.

"She already looks at me as a monster." Gold said, not looking up at Dream, who looked worried and afraid of him.

"What would Belle want you to do?" David asked when the four of them looked up as they saw bright headlights and heard the ambulance sirens. David finally got Gold up when Gold looked at Dream, who avoided looking his way. "Over here!" David yelled to the paramedics while Mary Margaret helped Belle walk over to the sheriff's car when David kept Gold back.

"No! Him! Take care of him." Emma directed the paramedics to the stranger in the car. "He can wait!" She continued, referring to Hook.

"What?" Mary Margaret asked, looking at Emma, then Dream, who stood by Hook. "There's someone in there," Emma said, moving over with the paramedic.

"Stay... I'll be right back." Mary Margaret said to Belle, who she moved to stay by the sheriff's car. "Dream!" Mary Margaret called when Dream rushed over, staying with Belle, who was skittish and confused.

"Do you know this guy?" Emma asked her mother while the paramedics checked for any response from the unconscious man. "Never seen him before..." Mary Margaret sighed when David joined his wife and daughter.

"That's because he drove into town..." David said, while they looked at the guy.

"From the outside?" Mary Margaret asked as she felt weary. "Looks like the world just came to Storybrooke..." Emma sighed when they remembered what Ruby and Leroy said yesterday.

~season 2, episode 12: "In the Name of the Brother"~

~798 words~

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