Page 25: Climbing to the Top:

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The girls moved away from Hook to discuss who was going up with Hook. "All due respect, I am the best equipped to go. How many wards have you been through?" Mulan asked Mary Margaret, who scoffed at her question. "My share." Mary Margaret fought.

"It should be me." Aurora fought, making the two of them look at her.

"You? You haven't fought in a battle." Mulan scoffed at Aurora, even thinking that she would go up there. "This is about us getting home to our loved ones. Why would you--" Mary Margaret went to say to Aurora, but Aurora interrupted her. "I have no loved ones. If I fail, you can still go on." Aurora pleaded when she sighed, thinking about Phillip.

"It's me. I'm going, and I'm not going to fail." Emma fought, making them look at her.

"Then, I'm going with you." Mary Margaret said, remembering that there were two cuffs.

"No, Dream is. She's proved to be able to handle herself." Emma said, looking at Dream, who wasn't arguing, just saying between the group and Hook. "You're new here. Both of you are..." Mary Margaret went to say, but Emma was not changing her mind. "It's about getting back to Henry. I don't care what I have to face... You're not gonna argue with me?" Emma asked when Mary Margaret stopped fighting.

"Would it do any good?" She asked her daughter.

"No." Emma sighed, making her mother nod. "You got anything in that bag that's gonna help me with a giant?" Emma asked, turning to look at Mulan. 

"Or Hook?" Mulan asked, loud enough for Hook to hear, as Mulan glanced daggers his way. "Hey!" He sighed, raising his hands up in defense. "Come with me," Mulan said, moving Emma to the side, giving her poppy dust.

After a bit, Hook grew impatience. "Ladies..." He said aloud, making all of them look at him. " this world, we are slaves to time, and ours is running out. In other words, tick-tock." He said, making Dream chuckle, shaking her head.

"Oh, the irony..." Dream chuckled to herself.

Emma walked over, unzipping her sleeve when Mary Margaret walked over, putting the cuff on her, while Hook put the other cuff on Dream's wrist. "I was hoping it would be you." He smirked at Dream while she watched him grab her hand, slowly letting his fingers wrap around her wrist, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Just get on with it." Dream said, looking up to meet his eyes.

"Put your hand right here. That's a good girl." He mocked, making her roll her eyes at his comment. He chuckled, seeing that she was annoyed by him before he put the cuff on her wrist. "This will allow you to climb, but there are other dangers. Thankfully, you've got me to protect you." He said while she looked at the cuff on her wrist.

"I think I can handle it, just fine." She said, seeing him smirk at her bravery when she looked up. He motioned to his missing hand, seeing as Dream had his satchel. Dream sighed, looking to Emma, skeptical about giving it back. "I can't climb one-handed, can I?" Hook asked, making Dream look back at him, sighing to herself.

Dream took the silver hook out of his satchel, reaching it to him. "Don't think I'm taking my eyes off you for a second," Emma said when Hook turned to look at her as she moved next to Dream. "I would despair if you did." He said, putting his hook where his hand used to be.

Dream took off his satchel, putting the strap on his hook when she looked between him and Emma. "Let's go." She said when they walked over to start a long climb up to the top.

Not even halfway up the beanstalk, Dream tried not to look below her. She was always scared of heights since she fell down the stairs when she was a little girl. Graham was babysitting her before Henry came into the picture. Dream had to get stitches on her forehead, which could still be a little noticeable if she pulled her hair up.

Emma and Hook were almost in sync, while Dream tried to grab a vine but missed her step, making her close her eyes, holding onto the vines tightly. "First beanstalk?" Hook asked, looking down at Dream, who looked like she was having a hard time. "Well, you never forget your first." He said, but Dream didn't say anything. She was too worried about vomiting on a bird or falling to her death.

Hook sighed, seeing her try to get her footing while Emma kept trying to climb up. "You know, most men would talk your silence as off-putting, but I love a challenge." Hook smirked, making Dream look at him. "I'm concentrating... so I don't puke on any of these birds flying by." Dream scoffed, looking at him when she climbed up a little.

"No, you're afraid. Afraid to talk, like on the trek here. To reveal yourself, to trust me..." Hook said as Dream moved to climb next to him while he kept waiting, looking at her. "Things would be a lot smoother if you do." He said, making Emma scoff, looking down at them.

"You should be used to people not trusting you," Emma said, making Hook look at her.

"Ah, the pirate thing..." Hook said, starting to climb again. "Well, I don't need you two to share. You both are something of an open book." Hook said, making Emma scoff at his comment.

"Am I?" Emma asked him while Hook watched Dream wince as she cut her hand, trying to reach for another vine.

"Quite... Let's see; you volunteered to come up here because you are the most motivated. You need to get back to a child." Hook said, causing Emma to shake her head, scoffing. "That's not perception; that's eavesdropping." Emma sighed, stopping to look at Hook, who was in between the girls. "Ah, but you don't want to abandon him the way you were abandoned." Hook said when Dream looked between the two of them.

"Was I?" Emma asked him.

"Like I said, open book." Hook said when Emma looked over at Dream. "How would you know that?" Emma asked him, wondering if Dream had told him anything.

"I spent many years in Neverland, home of the Lost Boys. And they all share the same look in their eyes. The look you get when you've been left alone. Much like the two of you." Hook said when Emma sighed, starting to climb again.

"Yeah, well, my world ain't Neverland." Emma scoffed when she looked away from Hook. "But an orphan's an orphan. Love has been all too rare in your life, hasn't it?" Hook asked, following Emma, while Dream tried to climb, despite the stinging in her hand. "Have you ever even been in love?" Hook asked, making Emma look at him once more.

"No. I have never been in love." Emma said, climbing ahead.

Dream winced when she felt the stinging pain in her hand when Hook stopped to look at her. "The Evil Queen had a daughter working with the good guys. How does that happen?" Hook asked, making Dream look at him. "I fell through a portal, trying to save my mother from a monster." Dream said, climbing a little further.

"You're close with her?" Hook asked when Dream stopped, looking at him.

"Thought you said I was an open book?" Dream asked, raising her brow at him. "You have your wall up. One that you learned from your mother..." Hook said when Dream sighed, looking away from him as she went climbing again. "It's called not trusting people who lie." Dream scoffed when Hook moved so that he was climbing next to her.

"You've been hurt... By a love? Or family?" Hook asked when Dream sighed, looking up at the top.

"By everyone..." She said when she climbed a little more.

~season 2, episode 6: "Tallahassee"~

~1310 words~

Dreams Come True:حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن