Page 44: Framed For Murder:

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The Charmings and Emma headed to Archie's office, seeing if they could find any evidence. Meanwhile, Regina headed to the one place she knew that she could find Dream. The docks.

"Why haven't you been home?"

Dream turned around, from leaning on the railing around the marina, when she saw Regina. "Because I don't want to be lied to continuously..." Dream sighed, looking back out to the water, when Regina sighed, walking over to join her side. "I told you everything I could before getting locked up, the wraith, you getting stuck in a portal, and now all this... What do you want to know, honey?" Regina asked when Dream shook her head, scoffing.

"Why did you not tell me that Gold is my dad?" Dream asked, turning to face her mother, who looked shocked.

"How did you-- When did you--"

"It doesn't matter how I found out... But by your reaction," Dream paused, looking at Regina with frustration. "I thought you said no more lies..." Dream sighed when Regina sighed, moving to rub Dream's arm.

"I did it for your own good," Regina said, making Dream scoff at her response.

"My own good? I'm nineteen, Mom... I can make my own decision now about what is for my own good. And knowing my father, my real father, is something that I need to know. And I can decide if I want to get to know him as my father... that is my decision." Dream said when Regina sighed. "So, you want him to be in your life?" Regina asked, looking hurt at her daughter. "I've heard the stories about him, just like I heard of your past... It doesn't matter what I choose, but it is my decision. I just can't believe you would lie to me again!" Dream scoffed when she moved so that Regina's hand dropped before heading away from her.

Regina headed home, looking around at the photos of her kids all over her house. She heard a knock at the door and opened it to see an angry Emma, who had her parents behind her. "Ms. Swan. I assume you're here to apologize." Regina said, smiling to try and hide her sad mood due to what happened with Dream.

"I saw you do it," Emma said, almost in a mumble.

"What?" Regina asked, still confused about what she was referring to. "I saw it. You choked the life out of Archie." Emma said when Regina was confused. This was a crime that she didn't do. "What are you talking about? How is that even possible?" Regina asked her.

"Magic," David spoke up, making Regina look up at him.

"You..." Regina went to ask, looking shocked at Emma. "I saw what happened, and it was you," Emma said when Regina scoffed, looking over to Dream, who pulled up to the driveway, hoping to get more clothes from her room. "Gold. He helped you. You're going to trust him of all people when he's probably the one behind this?" Regina asked, looking back at the Charmings and Emma, while Dream got out of the car, listening.

"We didn't trust him. That's why Emma used magic instead." Mary Margaret smiled, looking at the back of Emma's head, making Regina look at Emma in disbelief. "You can use magic?" Regina asked as Emma nodded, smiling. "The savior... Of course. Well, I can only assume he warned you, then..." Regina said, watching Emma's smile turn to a frown.

"About what?"

"That magic always comes with a price," Regina said, glancing over to Dream, knowing that she had a huge price to pay for using magic to have a child. "Yeah, well, that's a price we're both gonna pay," Emma said seriously, making Regina scoff at her.

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