Page 17: Posing as a Hero:

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After joining back with Mulan and Aurora, Dream watched the frog hop back to the nearby stream. "So, the daughter of the Evil Queen came from a rose and can speak to frogs?" Emma asked, looking at her mother so that Aurora and Mulan didn't hear her. "I can talk to birds... It must just be a unique trait." Mary Margaret shrugged when she watched Dream heading back to the group. 

"It just seems odd. She wasn't in Henry's book, but she has magic." Emma said, but before Mary Margaret could say anything, Mulan spoke up.

"We must go. If there is one, there will be more." Mulan said as they set off back on their trek to Prince Charming and Snow White's castle.

"We're getting close." Mary Margaret announced as she followed behind Mulan, who was leading the way. Emma followed behind her mother, then Dream, and lastly, Aurora. Mulan looked back when Dream stopped to help Aurora get her cloak off the branch it was caught on. "Here, let me." Dream said, getting it off without ripping the cloak.

"Aurora, you've got to keep up." Mulan scoffed, looking back to Aurora.

"Sorry, but I'm not exactly dressed for the woods. It's cold out here." Aurora scoffed when she moved to walk with Dream. "Then, maybe you should have listened to me and stayed back." Mulan scoffed when Emma took off her leather jacket, handing it to Aurora.

"Here," Emma said when Aurora, hesitantly, took it. "But I tried to kill your friend," Aurora said, sounding confused as to why Emma would offer her any kindness.

"Actually, she's my mom. And I have a feeling she can take care of herself... And I get it. You're not the only one who's been screwing up lately." Emma sighed, walking further, when Aurora looked at Dream, flabbergasted.

"Her mother?" Aurora asked as Dream nodded. "Long story... The curse." Dream said when Aurora looked at the leather jacket. "What kind of corset is this?" She asked, making Dream chuckle.

"It's a leather jacket. Here." Dream smiled, helping wrap it around Aurora's shoulders.

"Up here!"

The two of them caught up, looking over the hill to see a crumbled castle. "Is that it?" Emma asked as they all looked in the distance. "Yeah. That's our home." Mary Margaret sighed, seeing her old home crushed down.

The girls headed to the castle, heading up to Emma's nursery, where the wardrobe was. "Oh, my gosh..." Mary Margaret sighed, seeing the room in a complete disaster. Emma walked in further while the others looked around.

"I recognize this from Henry's book," Emma said, walking over to the wardrobe.

"Come. We'll stand to watch at the gate." Mulan said to Aurora while Mary Margaret and Emma looked around. Emma moved to look by the balcony while Mary Margaret looked at the destroyed crib. Dream looked around when she saw many toys and destroyed baby items. She bent down, picked up a teddy bear, and noticed that it looked familiar.

"Regina got that for me when I was a little girl." Mary Margaret spoke up, looking at Dream.

"I have one just like it. She gave me it the day that we got Henry." Dream said, seeing a pink little dress on the teddy bear, where Dream's had white with small apples on it and a red ribbon. "I never thought I'd see this place again." Mary Margaret said as Dream moved to sit the bear on the shelf. "This room... It was your nursery, Emma." Mary Margaret sighed, picking off the chard pieces on another stuffed toy, while Emma turned to look at her mother.

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