Page 31: Escaping:

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"Wake up... Wake up. Come on, sweetheart. Wake up."

Dream started to stir awake when she saw Hook. "Wake up. On your feet. Hurry!" He said, helping her stand as she was confused about why he was there. "No! No, are you here to kill me?" Dream asked, panicking when she moved away from him. "If I were here for that, then waking you first might not be the best course of action." Hook said as Dream jumped, flinching as Hook used his hook to break the shackles around her wrists.

"So, what? Did Cora send you--" Dream went to ask when Hook looked up at her, moving his hand to her cheek when he saw that she was scared. "Relax, love... Cora has no idea I'm here." He said when she seemed to calm down as he threw the chain onto the ground. 

"I don't... I don't understand. I heard you--"

"Look, I know you're sleepy, but isn't it obvious? I'm setting you and the princess free." He said as she looked over to Aurora, who was still sleeping. "What is this, some sort of pirate's ruse?" Dream asked him, not wanting to risk trusting him again. "Cora's denied me passage to Storybrooke. And my vengeance. And now I'm gonna deny her her wishes. Starting with you and the compass. In pirate terms, I'm firing a shot across my enemy's box." Hook said when Dream sighed, not believing him.

"You'd risked your life to break in here, all so you could go against Cora?" Dream asked as Hook sighed, looking at her.

"I don't like being double-crossed. Now wake up the princess and go." Hook said, moving to the side, so that Dream could wake up Aurora and get out.

"Thank you." Dream said, seeing that he was genuine when she looked at him. She went to wake up Aurora when he stopped her. "You can thank me by doing me one favor." Hook said when Dream raised her brow. 

"What?" She asked him.

"Give Emma a message. Tell her that the deal still stands. If she provides me passage back to her realm, I swear, I will help her find that dust that opens the portal." Hook said when Dream glanced down, seeing that he was holding onto her hand, before looking back up at him. "You really want to assist us?" She asked him as he nodded, smiling at her. "Well, it hurts Cora and helps me. Of course, I do. Now go." He said when Dream moved to wake up Aurora.

After Aurora woke up, she looked panicked. "Come on. We don't have much time." Dream said, helping Aurora stand. Aurora looked frightened, turning to Hook. "He won't hurt us. He's helping us." Dream said when she looked at Hook, who gave her a smile, before watching Dream run out with Aurora. Hook looked down at his hand, seeing Dream's bracelet, before putting it in his pocket.

"He helped us out?" Aurora asked when they tried to walk around, hoping to find the others. 

"Yeah... But I can't tell if it's an act or not." Dream sighed, looking ahead when Aurora watched her expression fall. "You know... It's really stupid. My mom lied to me my whole life. I lost the two only father figures in my life. My brother nearly died. I'm stuck trying to get home with the two people who hate my mom the most, and I'm fighting a pirate and my grandmother to get home to my mom and little brother. Just to be brought back into more lies and questions." Dream ranted, looking at Aurora, who sighed when she did not know what she could do to help comfort Dream.

"Maybe you just need to go your own way. Make your own happily ever after... Because it isn't always what it's supposed to be..." Aurora sighed, making Dream move to rub her arm.

"I couldn't imagine what you went through, Aurora..." Dream said when Aurora stopped to look at Dream. "Surely you can... I mean, you have been in love before, yes?" Aurora asked when Dream looked down to the grass. "No... I have never been in love." Dream sighed, heading to walk away, when Aurora sighed, following her.

"You will one day, Dream... Everyone deserves to be happy. We all must." Aurora said as they continued to trek through the forest.

"I hate to say it, Aurora, but "happily ever afters" sound more of a myth as the days go on." Dream sighed when she looked around, trying to make her way to find a stream, hoping if she found frogs, they would lead her and Aurora.

~season 2, episode 8: "Into the Deep"~

~771 words~

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